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Dee74 02-12-2021 03:04 PM

Morning Gratitude ~ Part 105
Last part here


Alysheba 02-12-2021 03:49 PM

Thank you, Dee! :tyou

Piotr 02-13-2021 03:06 AM

Grateful for sunshine.
Grateful for going for a walk yesterday - actually forcing myself to go and feeling better afterwards.

Grateful to be sober.

PalmerSage 02-13-2021 05:50 AM

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful that I finally have a semblance of a skincare routine (in my late 40s, no less!)
Grateful for podcasts.
Grateful when I am falling asleep sober, and feel so comfortable and even joyful.
Grateful for a long weekend, with lots to get done.
Grateful my husband and kids are going skiing.
Grateful I can visit my parents and MIL.
Grateful to be free from the burden of drinking.

sunpengwn 02-13-2021 06:44 AM

Grateful for Dee to put up a New Site.... thanks.....:vg
Grateful for Coffee......:23:
Grateful for this new day....
Grateful for the walk I took on the beach....
Grateful for Serenity...
Grateful for Hope..
Grateful for SR...

Fearlessat50 02-13-2021 07:22 AM

Thank you for the new part Dee!
Tursiops, I’m continually striving to get there as far as trusting my own spiritual practice is concerned. It is interesting that recently since I’ve been doing guided meditations with my son(with me doing the guiding) it is helping me develop that trust and self validation. I see the positive effect on my son.
Big Sur is incredible. Mr F and I camped there when we were newly dating. I think it was Pfeiffer state park. I also ran the Big Sur half marathon. My Dad ran the full marathon.
Grateful to start watching Your Honor. Love Bryan Cranston. He is so good!
Grateful sonny boy went to a drive by birthday party yesterday and it ended up being more than a drive by. Got to hang out with some of our favorite peeps in the drive way. Friends we haven’t seen in months.
Grateful sonny boy found his glasses. He had dropped them in a wide open field in a park when running around with his friends
Grateful that sonny boy has decided to continue karate for now. We are not forcing him but we are strongly encouraging and gave him other alternatives. Grateful he is thinking things through
Grateful to be making donut bouquets for my boys for Valentine’s Day
Grateful to be going for a 22 miles bike ride and brunch with a couple girlfriends. Hopefully the rain stops by the time we leave
Grateful for all of you

tursiops999 02-13-2021 07:53 AM

Grateful for an invitation to see the kids & grandbaby this evening. They're my stepkids so it's funny how insecure I still am about being in their life ... but I think it's maybe theoretically possible, hypothetically, that they actually do love me a tiny bit :dunno
Grateful my sniffles are abating, and grateful I can rest and have a quiet day to ensure I continue to get well.
Grateful for memories of my mom and dad this morning.
Grateful for the amazing birds in the yard ... yesterday a wren, that I am trying to photograph to positively I.D.
Grateful for visiting the newcomers forum this morning and being reminded of the blessings of sobriety.
Grateful for all of you here ... this has become a treasured ritual in the morning. :tyou

MDF 02-13-2021 08:50 AM

Grateful for family, friends, another day sober, music, the Steps, meetings, fellowship, and waking up alive.

Rusty Zipper 02-13-2021 09:30 AM

grateful for the new part dee

grateful for decent report from thoracic surgeon yesterday

Hevyn 02-13-2021 10:09 AM

Fearless - I'm glad you had a good time & that your son is sticking with Karate for now. A bit of normalcy.
RZ - I'm happy for the decent report - we'll take it. :hug:
Hello, MDF! Waking up alive - one of my favorite things too. :yup:
Turs - Enjoy your visit with the family tonight. :)
Grateful for moisturizer - without it this dry heat would have me fried.
Grateful that MrH bought Bagels & Donuts, though I have no business eating them.
Grateful for a bit of sun - was reading again how vital Vitamin D is.
Grateful to stop myself from dwelling on sad things from the past.
Grateful for everyone here. :grouphug:

courage2 02-13-2021 11:25 AM

Thanks, Dee.

I'm glad the doctor's report was ok, Rusty. And hope the epidural is working, Aly.

Grateful whenever I can help.

Mags1 02-13-2021 10:28 PM

Grateful Zippy’s thoracic doc report was decent. :yup:
Grateful Aly mentioned Hwy1 on Big Sur, it’s beautiful. ❤️
Grateful for some Grat Pack getting the vaccines, soon it will be everyone. :grouphug:


sunpengwn 02-14-2021 05:01 AM

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone........:VGRearth: :VA018: :VA015:
Grateful for the walk on the beach this morning it was a peaceful walk.....
Grateful for the coffee...
Grateful for Rusty.. and sending Hugs his way...:c011: :dance8: :hug: :vg
Grateful for Hugs just for today.....
Grateful for Honesty...
Grateful for Peace ...
Grateful for the Serenity Prayer...
Grateful for SR.....

FBL 02-14-2021 05:06 AM

Grateful for the new part. Thanks Dee!

Grateful for Zip's good report.

Grateful for another Valentine's Day single. I mean that sincerely. I love my single life and wouldn't trade it for anything!

Grateful for another day sober.

PalmerSage 02-14-2021 07:03 AM

Grateful for Dee, and everything he does to keep things moving around here.
Grateful for coffee.
Grateful my husband took the kids skiing early this morning, while I slept until 9:45. :scared:
Grateful that I made some progress around the house yesterday, and can do more today.
Grateful that I don't have to do everything, or be everything.
Grateful to be sober.

Rusty Zipper 02-14-2021 09:12 AM

grateful to say happy valentines day!

courage2 02-14-2021 09:13 AM

Grateful that no addiction, politician, or plague can stop people from falling in love. <3

Alysheba 02-14-2021 09:32 AM

Grateful to say Happy Valentines Day!
Grateful Rusty got a good report.
Grateful to be here with all of you. :VA015:

Fearlessat50 02-14-2021 09:36 AM

Yes to that, Courage!
Rusty, glad to hear the doctors good report
Grateful for Valentine’s Day! Happy day, everyone!
Grateful Mr F made my favorite breakfast - eggs Benedict, and this time roasted sweet potatoes on the side
Grateful my donut bouquet turned out pretty nice. I threw some candy and chocolate in there too
Grateful to work on the black and white family photo wall in the hall
Grateful to be going for a rum
Grateful to go shopping for a new PC today
Grateful I can get a little bit of work done today and possibly take tomorrow off

Canadian Koala 02-14-2021 09:53 AM

Thanks monsieur Dee

Grateful to be clean and sober today ☼

Hevyn 02-14-2021 10:05 AM

Fearless - Donut bouquet sounds intriguing. I think I need one.
RZ - Your cupid has taken an arrow to his tushy. :omfg:
Grateful for my V-Day candy, though I really shouldn't eat it. :yumyum:
Grateful we are half way through February.
Grateful for my precious sobriety.
Grateful for you all.

Alysheba 02-14-2021 10:39 AM

Hi CK! :wavey:

tursiops999 02-14-2021 10:45 AM

Grateful for my quiet time this morning.
Grateful I have a whole day off and can choose not to get too busy with chores, but instead rest and replenish.
Grateful this valentine's for love in all its forms, not only romantic.

least 02-14-2021 10:52 AM

Grateful for Rusty's good doctor report. :hug:

I too am grateful for love, and not just the romantic kind, but love in all its forms. :)

Grateful I can take a nap with Billie any time I want. :)

FBL 02-15-2021 03:48 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

sunpengwn 02-15-2021 04:52 AM

Grateful for another quiet walk on the beach with my coffee ...
Grateful I can walk with God as we talk quietly...
Grateful for Rusty as he keeps checking in with new doc....
Grateful for Peace of Heart...
Grateful for Serenity...
Grateful for Hope in the future of this Pandemic....
Grateful for SR....

PalmerSage 02-15-2021 05:22 AM

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful that my husband took the kids skiing yesterday.
Grateful that I cleaned and reorganized my kitchen - finally!
Grateful that I took the time to bake a cake from scratch.
Grateful that I will start off the work week a bit more settled.
Grateful that my MIL received her second vaccine.
Grateful to be sober.

Rusty Zipper 02-15-2021 06:43 AM

grateful for my gots

Fearlessat50 02-15-2021 07:40 AM

Grateful Palmersage had some time to herself
Grateful for Rusty’s gots. Grateful for my gots too
Grateful for coffee
Grateful to enjoy malts with my boys yesterday and remember my Dad. He was a romantic man and loved Valentine’s Day. And he loved malts.
Grateful to talk with one of my closest friends yesterday. Her family moved to the east coast four years ago, but they are moving back sometime within the next year. At least that’s the plan. I am ecstatic! Grateful that she is like a sister to me. Also grateful that I am going to make a meal this week for her mom who had back surgery last week. She lives here. Glad I can help
Grateful that even though today is a formal holiday at my company, I am going to spend a little time studying for a work course I’m taking. Glad I like my job and what I’m learning
Grateful to plan another long run later. I’m thinking about another marathon. But I’ve been thinking on and off about it for a few years now so we will see. Lol
Grateful for this special time and space with you all

Hevyn 02-15-2021 08:51 AM

PalmerSage - Redoing kitchen - sounds like a daunting task - congrats. :yup:
Fearless - That was a sweet remembrance of your Dad. Great news that your friend will return.
Grateful too for my Gots - there are many.
Grateful I don't have to go out in the Big Snow that is on it's way. :acce:
Grateful when the truth is finally known.
Grateful for good TV, movies, books, music - would've been rough without them this past year.
Grateful for you all!

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 05:06 AM.