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Piotr 01-20-2021 03:59 AM

Grateful for the deep freeze going away, for the moment at least.
Grateful for morning exercise - shoveling snow.
Grateful for a rare breakfast together.
Grateful for some shopping done.
Grateful to stretch regularly - makes a difference especially with all the snow shoveling recently.
Grateful to text with a friend.

Grateful to read all your posts.
Grateful to be sober.

PalmerSage 01-20-2021 06:03 AM

Grateful for Fearless's 4 years!!! That is amazing, friend!!!
Grateful for coffee.
Very grateful for an unexpected work holiday.
Grateful that we have a presidential inauguration in the US today.
Grateful that my younger son and I bonded over a magnet school application that he didn't want to do, but he ultimately seemed to feel proud and excited about his future.
Grateful to have a chance to take some treats over to our friends' house, where several family members have COVID.
Grateful that the vaccines continue to roll out.
Grateful for my loving and (sometimes) patient dogs.
Grateful that my MIL has some company this week.
Grateful to be sober.

sunpengwn 01-20-2021 06:13 AM

Grateful for the walk on the beach as the darkness was as I needed to start the day...
Grateful for a more Peaceful world...
Grateful for the Serenity Prayer...

Hevyn 01-20-2021 06:24 AM

Off to the grocery store - big excitement! :bigok: Just dropping by to say I am grateful for YOU.

lyddie 01-20-2021 06:47 AM

I am grateful to be here this morning.

Rusty Zipper 01-20-2021 09:29 AM

welcome to the grat pack elly!

nice seeing you back ral

grateful that all is as it should

courage2 01-20-2021 10:21 AM

Elly :wave: RAL :wave: lyddie :wave:

Grateful for the Grat Pack.

least 01-20-2021 10:53 AM

Grateful to wake up sober on this bright sunny beautiful day. :) :) :) :) :)

EllyB 01-20-2021 07:22 PM

Grateful for a peaceful transition of power in a democracy
Grateful for an understanding and patient d&a therapist
Grateful for DoorDash and restaurants
Grateful for a comfy chair
Grateful for that perfect violet purple layer at dusk

Mags1 01-20-2021 07:30 PM

Congratulations on 4 years Fearless! :You_Rock_

Grateful I’m inside my home whilst the wind is howling and the rain is siling down.
Grateful for peace of mind
Grateful for the internet.
Grateful to be sober, always.
Grateful to be here with all the Grat Pack :grouphug:

least 01-20-2021 09:49 PM

I'm grateful that I'm no longer the person I used to be when I was drinking. Grateful for all the changes, and serenity, that sobriety has brought me. :)

RAL 01-21-2021 12:22 AM

Grateful for the warm welcomes :tyou
Grateful to wake up sober
Grateful to be inside on a wild stormy morning
Grateful for peace of mind
Grateful for all of you

Devizes 01-21-2021 12:52 AM

Oh, Elly, a violet purple layer at dusk sounds just gorgeous. I can picture it now :Val004:

Grateful for a dry and sunny day today

Grateful to be able to get the steps in that I missed yesterday

Grateful to see RAL here and maybe to get updates on her always interesting weather! 😊😊😊

FBL 01-21-2021 03:52 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

PalmerSage 01-21-2021 04:38 AM

Grateful for coffee!
Grateful to wake up early today.
Grateful for telework.
Grateful for the option to go into the office if I decide to do so.
Grateful that House of Cards is streaming on Netflix.
Grateful for the peaceful transfer of power in a democracy.
Grateful to be sober.

sunpengwn 01-21-2021 04:58 AM

Congrats Fearless on 4 yrs..... WOW!!!!!

Grateful for another warm day in California.... don't think I can handle anymore warm days.... I need a cold day someplace....
Grateful for the morning walk in the dark on the beach to start my day right.....
Grateful for the coffee .... to warm me up...
Grateful for the Serenity Prayer...
Grateful we have a new PRESIDENT and MADAM VICE PRESIDENT..... YEA!!
Grateful for Peace in this world....
Grateful for Hope....
Grateful for the Calmness...
Grateful for a continued Lighted Path to follow....

Piotr 01-21-2021 05:35 AM

Grateful for sunshine on my morning walk.
Grateful to do some choirs.
Grateful for adequate shoes in the slippery conditions.
Grateful for prayer.

Grateful to read all your posts.
Grateful to be sober.

Rusty Zipper 01-21-2021 06:22 AM

congrats on four fearless!

grateful for the powers that be TPTB

Hevyn 01-21-2021 06:48 AM

RAL - Great to have you with us. :yup:
Grateful for another shopping trip today - Dollar Store & Wmart- nothing but the best for Hev.
Grateful for the sunshine yesterday - such a welcome sight.
Grateful to begin my healthier eating. I am easing into it. ;)
Grateful for my patient husband who is pacing around waiting for me.
Grateful to see you all here every day - helps me stay positive.

courage2 01-21-2021 09:00 AM

Fearless, congratulations on 4 years. Sorry I missed the day of.
Grateful for the possibility of problems solved.

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