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Hevyn 01-28-2021 10:22 AM

Turs - Had to google the hermit...he's so cute & chunky. It said he has a 'lovely, melancholy song". I'm surprised I haven't seen one here.
Aly - I hope your pain will subside. :hug:
Sun - Hoping the wicked weather will leave soon.
RZ - Happy about your good visit!
Grateful for a rare sun sighting.
Grateful to take control of a situation.
Grateful to know I can still grow & change.
Grateful for all of you sharing a bit of your life. :grouphug:

Alysheba 01-28-2021 10:43 AM

Thank you, my dear Hev. :hug:

Mags1 01-28-2021 07:19 PM

Fearless, love the inspiring texts you send to your son :)
Thanks Aly. :hug:
Grateful when my cats arrive home safely from their time outside
Grateful for all of you and SR. :You_Rock_

least 01-28-2021 08:15 PM

(((Rusty))) Keeping you in my prayers every day. :hug:

FBL, congrats on over 11 and a half years sober! :) And Dev, congrats on 8 yrs sober! :)

Tonight I'm grateful that I took the advice to practice gratitude every day. No other one thing has had such an effect on my life. :)

Devizes 01-29-2021 12:30 AM

Sending the most positive vibes to Rusty :hug:

Hoping the rain and snow subside for SunPeng (just as I wrote that, our heavens opened too!)

Grateful to all of you and your congratulations. Thank you so much :tyou It is only now, when I feel that my eating disorder is coming under control, that I feel I am good enough to be proud of my sobriety

Grateful for calm space in my head

Grateful that my beautiful sister is celebrating a special birthday today ❤❤❤

owen90 01-29-2021 01:24 AM

Grateful to test negative for covid
Grateful for my family
Grateful for the haven of SR
Grateful for this thread
Grateful that it's the weekend

Hope you are all doing okay today


FBL 01-29-2021 01:34 AM

Grateful for an extra early start to my Friday.

Grateful to be losing some weight and getting in better shape!

Grateful for another day sober.

Piotr 01-29-2021 04:13 AM

Grateful for a peaceful nights sleep.
Grateful for morning exercise - shoveling snow.
Grateful for a little sunshine.
Grateful for a long walk yesterday.

Grateful to read all your posts.
Grateful to be sober.

PalmerSage 01-29-2021 04:15 AM

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful it's Friday!
Grateful to finally discover cinnamon babka.
Grateful that my son is up and ready for his early driver's lesson.
Grateful snow is coming! Hopefully a lot.
Grateful that my weird dreams were only dreams.
Grateful for Fearless's idea about inspirational texts.
Grateful for FBL's weight loss.
Grateful I'm going into the office today, and also grateful that I don't have to.
Grateful that I might run into some key people while I'm there.
Grateful to be sober!

sunpengwn 01-29-2021 04:49 AM

Grateful I finally got a walk in on the beach today with God in a Peaceful way..... was so good....
Grateful for SR...
Grateful for the coffee I have today...
Grateful for the Calmness today...
Grateful I don't hear any rain coming down as it is real quiet outside...
Grateful for the few stars I can see in the sky....Wow..:grouphug: :angel:
Grateful for everyone...
Grateful for a break in the rain and snow.....:c011: :c016:

Numblady 01-29-2021 05:16 AM

Grateful to see Owen and Windpines posting.
Grateful RZ had a good visit with onc doc.
Grateful our Californian friends are getting rain but praying for their continued safety.
Grateful Aly is getting some treatment. Fingers crossed that it takes hold and provides relief soon.
Grateful to see a work colleague Wednesday night. It was cold but so wonderful to see her. Was also a sad reminder how awful things are there and how much she needs to get out (but is a single mom and can’t find a different job).
Grateful, so grateful for this job. I’m living the life I imagined people were probably living in COVID working from home. I can just tune in to trainings and just listen. Yesterday I even did a bit of yoga while watching a seminar. I can cook here and there and not let food go to waste (not wasting and finding creative ways to use things—especially food—is one of the things that, as it turns out, brings me some of the greatest joy). And I think I’m probably saving a lot of money on food. Which is great with the whole pay cut thing.
Grateful to have made delicious “homemade” pizzas last night (used pre-made crust and not from scratch sauce so not really homemade) and discover what a wonderful vehicle pizzas are for using up bits of things you need to use up. Made one half with meatballs, red onion and sun dried tomato. And one half with leftover ham some Swiss/parm cheese I had grated too much of for French onion soup, and candied jalapeños.
Grateful to have leftovers to eat.
Grateful for all of you.

Rusty Zipper 01-29-2021 08:46 AM

good news owen!

grateful to be able to handle the incompetence of some of the medical community

tursiops999 01-29-2021 09:03 AM

Prayers and good vibes to Rusty :grouphug:
Grateful FBL is feeling better.
Grateful Owen tested negative.
Grateful Aly is getting treatment for her pain.
Grateful for this bright, calm morning in my yard. Grateful the rain and dew left brilliant little droplets hanging from the trees and shrubs.
Grateful it's Friday and I get a break from work this weekend.
Grateful for my family.
Grateful for my health.

lyddie 01-29-2021 09:38 AM

Grateful to feel cheerful this morning!

EllyB 01-29-2021 09:41 AM

Grateful to see so many positive, caring people posting here! ( you guys inspire me!)
Grateful for 45 days of uninterrupted sobriety
Grateful for the rain in CA
Also grateful for a sunny day today for a longer walk!

courage2 01-29-2021 10:18 AM

Hi Owen!

Grateful to Anne E. for helping me to a way forward when I was about to give up.

Fearlessat50 01-29-2021 10:42 AM

Mags, I hope my son is liking my inspirational texts too. I think he does. I catch him reading them. He will pretend he’s doing something else and smirk at me 😊
Tursiops, I am sorry for the loss of your parents. I don’t know how long ago it was but we never stop thinking of them, do we? I am right there with you on the memories and grieving my parents ❤️
EllyB, big congrats!
Least, gratitude is everything
Numblady, really refreshing to hear you are liking your job and have better work life balance
Grateful to watch Tiger. I’m not a golfer. But the story of his life and the factors in his upbringing that contributed to who he is is very enlightening
Grateful to lead a guided meditation for sonny boy last night. It was not planned. He was having trouble winding down at bedtime and I made some suggestions that led into a meditation. Hopefully I’ll be able to do this again!
Grateful that I live in a community that values meditation, yoga and other spiritual and balancing activities
Grateful to find a good deal on bread flour at Costco. Grateful to find some cool bread stencils on Amazon.
Grateful for the collective positive energy and inspiration here

Alysheba 01-29-2021 12:12 PM

Grateful to read all these inspiring posts. Fearless, so glad you sound so well. I hope you are coping. I'm always here for you. :hug:
Rusty, love and prayers to my favorite drummer!!
Mags, I have got to get to the post office. I have something I want to send to you. It's coming one of these days. Love to you, my friend. :hug:
Thank you NL. Very kind of you to think of me.
Grateful for the Grat Pack. It's so easy to feel kind of alone during this pandemic. It really helps that you are all here. :VGRearth:

Hevyn 01-29-2021 02:45 PM

Owen - yes, the haven of SR. Perfectly put. :)
Elly - Congrats on your 45 days. Wonderful news.
Hey there, windpines.
I missed getting here this morning - so many good posts. :yup:
Grateful to be in the company of the best people anywhere. :grouphug:

Mags1 01-29-2021 09:25 PM

Aly, :hug: :tyou
Grateful for all your inspiring Grats, amidst the crazy world at the moment and each of us our own daily trials....and tribulations, it’s good that we can be grateful. ❤️
Grateful for sobriety leading the way.

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