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Hevyn 05-10-2020 02:29 PM

Grateful ButterMarsh made it past that temptation. Nice going.
Grateful for Fearless's improved finger. :)
Grateful for Daisy's drama free day. Long may it last.
Grateful for you, too, dear Numblady. Hoping you get to go camping.
Grateful Magsie didn't have to go out in the rain. :)
Grateful for FBL's Little Richard avie.
Grateful for Anaya's lovely doggie friend.
Grateful for NewChapter's lovely equine friend.
Grateful for your posts too, Aly. :hug:
Grateful for Mama Zip - she gave us you, dear RZ.
Grateful PalmerSage was able to pull off a bit of a celebration for mom & mil.
Grateful for all who post here and share their lives.
Grateful to talk myself out of dwelling on negativity in the middle of the night.
Grateful for many new things to discover in our new area of New York.
Grateful for MrHev's patience.
Grateful for sun and a warming trend.
Love to all.

Fearlessat50 05-10-2020 02:59 PM

Grateful to finally check in though it’s now almost 3 pm. It’s morning somewhere!Â

I will catch up on all the posts later.Â

I am grateful for a great brunch Mr F made - eggs Benedict with roasted potatoes. Grateful to work in the garden and replant some cuttings. Â Grateful to go for a nice bike ride in the hood with family. Grateful to plan a sunset hike later and take some family photos. Grateful my boys are letting me have whatever I want today.Â
Happy Mother’s Day all.Â

courage2 05-10-2020 03:47 PM

Grateful to talk to my macabre family.

Mags1 05-10-2020 10:21 PM

Grateful for your amazing Grat posts :You_Rock_

Grateful for sobriety, without it I would have never met you all. :ring:

FBL 05-11-2020 02:43 AM

Grateful for Betty Wright and the "Clean Up Woman" for teaching me about soul.

Grateful for another day sober.

NewChapterJan18 05-11-2020 04:19 AM

Grateful for SR and all of you kind souls here.
Grateful to be sober.
Grateful to be doing my best.

Numblady 05-11-2020 05:10 AM

Grateful for the good moments. Yesterday when my son was stewing, on a pretty stew-ful pouty day for him, I did get him talking about Minecraft and how it works and it was great to see him come alive, talking about how he would protect me if we were in a survival mode world together. And for hearing him talk about going back to a spot where we hiked so he could try to catch fish with a buddy.

Grateful for the good moments with my daughter. Not only did she litter the house with encouraging sentiments she wrote out on different pieces of paper, but after I told her she couldn’t create profiles on Twitter and Reddit we managed to end the night on a good note. She started by storming about telling me I didn’t support her dreams of her becoming Internet-famous etc. I held my line and told her I wanted her dreams to come true but i wasn’t going to have her get there in a way that compromises her safety.Â
Grateful for a story my therapist told me about Brene Brown (who I have tried unsuccessfully to get into) doing research and having kids trading off stories about how strict their parents were, and that there was a small group of kids who didn’t say anything and just kind of slunk down in their seats. Later they polled those kids and they talked about how they wished they had a curfew or limits, etc. Anyhow, it is helping me to remember to be firm in my boundaries. I am in concept but then in the heat of the moment i tend to go to a place of compromise, which is my go-to in life.Â

Grateful my dream about everybody crowding together at work was just a dream.

Grateful I like Hev was able to kind of bust through some middle of the night negativity. Well, bust through is too dramatic. The most I could think was that it would pass and that if I had messed up by not prioritizing my mom and grandmother and MIL better and showing them more love, they probably still loved me :)

Grateful things generally seem better in the light of day.

Grateful the weather is so nice.Â

Grateful each day, each hour, each moment presents another opportunity to live right.Â

PalmerSage 05-11-2020 05:28 AM

Grateful for coffee!
Grateful to still be in contact with former (amazing) coworkers.
Grateful for my extremely comfortable bed.
Grateful that I'm making a small effort to get back on track with normal eating (as opposed to my quarantine junk-food binges!)
Grateful for a lovely Mother's Day.
Grateful to finally have a printer of my very own. ;)
Grateful that my mom and MIL were so happy yesterday.
Grateful that I can be of service to my parents through grocery shopping.
Grateful that my husband is going to his office on a regular basis again (no one else is there).
Grateful that my family is healthy and financially secure.
Grateful to be sober, even when I'm combatting my AV's terrible ideas.
Grateful for SR.

Rusty Zipper 05-11-2020 06:46 AM

clean up women, great old soul tunegrateful to be goung back to the hospital today for more hydration

Daisybelle 05-11-2020 07:19 AM

I hope all goes well Rusty. Take good care of yourself. xxx
Grateful for a sober and present day.

Grateful to go for essential shopping first thing this morning and there were no queues.

Grateful for coffee.

Grateful Mr D.B is getting the old tumble dryer out of the shed to be collected for scrap tomorrow.

Grateful that it looks like Mr D.B will be going back to work at the beginning of June.

Grateful for warm clothes, it's so cold today.

Grateful to make chicken and sweetcorn soup with the left over chicken and bones from the weekend.

Grateful for each and every one of you. xxx

Keep safe. xxx

TiredCarpenter 05-11-2020 07:42 AM

Grateful that there is no panic in my heart today.

Grateful for the quiet stillness of the morning.

and for SR.

Be well, friends.

Alysheba 05-11-2020 09:33 AM

Wishing you the very best Rusty. :hug:Grateful for a pleasant Mothers Day. Grateful I got to see my niece and nephews. I haven't seen them in so long. They are wonderful kids. :love:Grateful for the posts this morning.Grateful for my blessings and my sobriety. Love and peace today for all our Grat Packers. :grouphug: :love:

courage2 05-11-2020 10:11 AM

Thinking of you, Rusty!

Grateful for new spectacles

Hevyn 05-11-2020 02:26 PM

TiredCarpenter - Great description of how it used to be 'panic in my heart'. Never again.
Grateful RZ is getting good care. :hug:
Grateful Aly had a nice family day. :)
Grateful that spring weather is expected in a few days. This cold stuff is getting old.
Grateful to have this welcoming place to gather.

Austerities 05-11-2020 09:51 PM

Grateful for calm mornings, coffee, dogs, oceans, mountains, streams, flowers and hiking gear.

Mags1 05-11-2020 10:12 PM

Grateful Zippy is receiving good treatment. :hug:

Grateful that being sober has helped me stay calm (mostly) through the pandemic.

Grateful to see you all every day. xoxoxox

Erratic 05-11-2020 11:54 PM

grateful to have u all here
grateful to start day 1 again
not grateful in losing my dog, but i willl eventually except that i was grateful to have him for how long as i did
grateful for my family
grateful for this cup of tea this morning

Daisybelle 05-12-2020 12:51 AM

Grateful to be here this morning sober and present.

Grateful to feel well and grateful that my family are well too.

Grateful that I slept well last night.

Grateful that I am the only one up at this moment and am enjoying a cup of coffee in peace.

Grateful that from where I'm sat I can hear the birds singing and see lots of beautiful tree in all their green finery.

Grateful for the small things in life.

Grateful for patience and kindness, I'm working on accomplishing both.

Grateful to learn something new every day.

Grateful that I don't need to go out for supplies today.

Grateful to have food in my cupboards.

Grateful for warm clothes, winter has returned with a vengeance.

Grateful that TiredCarpenter has no panic in his heart today, I remember that feeling only too well, thank you for the reminder.

Grateful that Aly got to see her niece and nephews, they are lucky to have you in their lives Aly.

Grateful Courage has some new specs.

Grateful that Hevyn has some spring weather heading her way and not before time either.

Grateful that Austerities enjoys nature.

Grateful for Mags.

Grateful to see my friend Erratic here :hug: grateful that she has happy memories to treasure of her beloved dog, Doodles R.I.P Doodles.

Grateful to have this place to come to.

Grateful to each of you for your kindness and support.

Keep safe.

I hope today is a good day for you Rusty. Take care. x

FBL 05-12-2020 02:27 AM

Grateful for Jerry Stiller. I'm old enough to remember the Stiller & Meara routines! And of course, Frank Costanza...SERENITY NOW!!!

Grateful for another day sober.

PalmerSage 05-12-2020 04:41 AM

Grateful for coffee!
Grateful for a decent night's sleep.
Grateful that the weather is supposed to be warmer later this week.
Grateful that Facebook has an option to "snooze" peoples' updates for 30 days. ;)
Grateful that the sun is shining!
Grateful for my lovely home.
Grateful for the awesome people in my life.
Grateful to be sober, and for SR.

Numblady 05-12-2020 05:33 AM

Grateful RZ getting taken care of.Â

Grateful this terrible headache is not from drinking.Â

Grateful that when my daughter woke me up at 3 a.m. I had the presence of mind to talk myself through which mom I wanted to be: the mom of my lizard brain who wanted to just tell her her to go back to bed and stop fussing with stuff on her walls (it was making noise from the fan blowing on her) because she was panicking about all the stuff she woulnd’t get done, or the mom who was nice and laid down for a while and tried to bring comfort.Â

Grateful my standing date with my son went well. We called my dad and my son talked about all kinds of different stuff in Minecraft. For like half an hour with the elder this and the lapis laxuli this.Â

Grateful to be here.Â

Fearlessat50 05-12-2020 06:39 AM

Grateful for all your uplifting posts this morning

Grateful erratic is here with us. I’m so sorry about the loss of your dog!

Grateful for Jerry Stiller. Loved him!

Grateful to have watched forest Gump last night with family. Love love that movie and Tom HanksÂ
Grateful to have taken sonny boy to Target yesterday so he could spend some of his saved fun money on a ginormous LEGO setÂ

Grateful to set a new 30 day challenge - no more than 1 cup of coffee a day. It’s adding to my anxiety.Â

Grateful to stay in a routine as much as possibleÂ
Grateful it looks like Mr F and I are both safe as far as keeping our jobs for now. The pandemic emergency regulations in our industry are creating more work.Â

Grateful my Dad is moving to 24 hour care today if all goes well. Grateful for all the support around him since I can’t be there.Â

Grateful to remain flexible and strong.Â

Grateful this too shall passÂ

Grateful for all of you!Â

courage2 05-12-2020 07:21 AM

Grateful that the example of my experience can help other people.

NewChapterJan18 05-12-2020 07:53 AM

Grateful to be sober.
Grateful for the SR family.
Grateful that nothing is permanent and opportunity to change, progress and improve springs eternal.

Grateful for NL's thoughtful daughter spreading love and cheer in the form of little notes - how sweet.
Grateful also that you successfully banished midnight negativity. I hope that your headache clears soon.
Grateful PS enjoyed a lovely mother's Day - I hope all the mother's and maternal figures here also enjoyed their day :grouphug:
Grateful RZ is receiving treatment and care. I hope it went well, Rusty!
Grateful Daisy is excising old scrap - we have a store full of it that needs to go. I hope you enjoyed your soup, sounds yummy.
Grateful TC is free from panic and enjoying the stillness.
Grateful for Aly's nieces and nephews - I know how much joy they bring to your life.
Grateful for Courage's new specs!
Grateful warmer climes are on the way for Hev.
Grateful for everything in Austerities post, especially dogs!
Grateful sobriety is helping Mags to keep calm.
Grateful for Erratic's Day 1. I am so sorry for the loss of your canine friend.
Grateful for FBL.
Grateful Fearless enjoyed a movie night with the family and that sonny boy got a LEGO set - fun! So very grateful for you and Mr. F to have security in your jobs, a wonderful thing.

Take care, lovely gratters. You all bring me such joy, strength and serenity. Your wisdom and shared experiences are treasured. :grouphug:

Alysheba 05-12-2020 08:26 AM

Grateful to be up and getting some things done. Grateful to have a better attitude today than I did yesterday!!! Grateful for my compassionate, wonderful friends here.Grateful for some rain.Wishing Rusty well. I hope you are feeling better, dear one. :hug:Grateful for all of you and your wonderful posts. :grouphug:

Rusty Zipper 05-12-2020 04:06 PM

grateful to maintain the spiritual connection

Hevyn 05-12-2020 04:56 PM

Grateful to finally get here, even though it's waaay past morning. :yup:
Erratic - Grateful for your Day One. Proud of you.
Numb - Grateful you opted to be the nice, comforting mom. Otherwise it comes back to haunt us later. ;)
Grateful Mr & MrsFearless will have their jobs.
Grateful for RZ - always. :hug:
Grateful we are down to just a few boxes left to unpack. What is all this stuff?!
Grateful I have a dishwasher & garbage disposal after not having them for years.
Grateful I intend to start another diet soon. Intention is important. :tongue: Pandemic sabotaged my healthy eating.
Grateful for your great posts - so much humor, courage, and determination.

Austerities 05-12-2020 09:28 PM

Grateful for waking up sober, grateful for this community, grateful for peace.

Mags1 05-12-2020 10:46 PM

Like NCJan, I’m Grateful for our SR Family :ring:

Grateful Hev has a dishwasher. I know it’s for the way they sterilise-clean the dishes and not for  convenience. :tongue:

Grateful for Erratic’s day one.Â

Grateful for all of you. :hug:

Grateful for Sobriety.Â

Daisybelle 05-13-2020 01:13 AM

Grateful to be up this morning sober, present and alert.

Grateful that my middle of the night reminiscents about all the awful things I did when I was drinking are things that happened in the past and the past has gone. I'm beating myself up a lot lately for some reason and I need to stop.

Grateful to know that today's a new day and another chance to get it right.

Grateful for all my haves.

Grateful for morning tea, followed me a morning coffee.

Grateful and lucky to be well.

Grateful for P.S's reminder that you can 'snooze' people for 30 days on F.B, lol.

Grateful to read about Fearless's 30 day coffee challenge, I think I need to do that.

Grateful that Hevyn's packing is almost done and also that she has a dishwasher and garbage disposal. Very posh indeed.

Grateful to read all your posts and sorry that I don't have time to reply to them, I'm running late now.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers Rusty. Take good care of yourself.

Keep safe Gratters. xxx

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