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Fearlessat50 11-11-2018 09:20 PM

Grateful to hear that, least!
Grateful for a sense of well being today
Grateful that it is ok to feel sad for those who have lost, and at the same time to be grateful for all that is good in my life.
Grateful for the strength to help others in need
Grateful for Veterans Day
Grateful I discovered Sally Field’s book, In Pieces
Grateful to be going through all of life sober
Grateful for all of you

Astro 11-12-2018 04:30 AM

Grateful for my brother and father, proud Marine Corps vets.

Alysheba 11-12-2018 03:30 PM

Grateful for an attitude change on my part this afternoon. ;)

Grateful to take Luke for one of his his walks, but it's so smokey that they say not to stay outside very long.

Grateful to be sober and trying to get some things done. ♥

Daisybelle 11-12-2018 03:40 PM

Grateful to be ending the day sober again.
Grateful to do the school runs.
Grateful my live in G.son had a lovely birthday yesterday and that his mummy turned up at his party.
Grateful for a drama free day,
Grateful to you all. xxx

least 11-12-2018 04:12 PM

Grateful that the strays use the straw-stuffed shelters on the porch to get out of the wind. :) Grateful for catnip to put in there so they will go in. ;)

Alysheba 11-12-2018 04:16 PM

Grateful least shared her kindness to these animals. We have a few strays around here that we put food/water out for and a box, kind of like yours for shelter, but nothing quite as nice as yours!
Grateful for kindness to all living things: All Creatures Great and Small.

Fearlessat50 11-12-2018 05:08 PM

Grateful for a productive day
Grateful to spend time with my son on his day off from school and laugh watching a funny movie
Grateful to hear some criticism and be open to learning from it.
Grateful to be learning to accept the bad with the good in life
Grateful for the strays in our neighborhood too and to be able to care for them

Astro 11-13-2018 04:19 AM

Grateful for kindness from strangers.

Grateful for the time I spent wandering outdoors yesterday, it was so cool and beautiful.

Free2bme888 11-13-2018 03:29 PM

Grateful for my fireplace
Grateful for being able to get to the gym today and walk for another 20 minutes
Grateful to have good dialogue with my ABF
Grateful selling is easier today
Grateful to get an appointment really fast for tomorrow for my daughter at the doctor
Grateful for all of you here

Alysheba 11-13-2018 03:38 PM

Free, your fireplace is beautiful.
Grateful the weather has suddenly gotten cold, hoping it helps the fires, I don't know.
Grateful for a nice conversation with my neighbor who just rescued a little adorable puppy. Grateful Luke is so good with small dogs, but grateful the puppy is making progress and will hopefully approach him closer soon.
Grateful to be sober.
Grateful for all of you. ♥

Daisybelle 11-13-2018 03:42 PM

Grateful that Least is so kind to the strays.
Grateful to be ending another day sober.
Grateful to get my g.children to school eventually this morning as the traffic was gridlocked.
Grateful that my live in g.son's mummy went to watch him swimming tonight and grateful that's he's been happy to spend time with her.
Grateful to be able to pick my mum up from her choir practise and drop her home safely,
Grateful for a lovely hot bath and clean p.j's.
Grateful to post.
Grateful to you all as always for your kind words and support.

Love your fireplace Free2beme, it looks very welcoming. x

least 11-13-2018 05:17 PM

Grateful to share my life with Billie. :) She is so nosy and noisy and lots of fun. :)

Free2bme888 11-13-2018 06:04 PM

Correction on mine:headbange

Grateful that ‘swallowing’ is easier today —not selling

Thanks aly—

Alysheba 11-13-2018 06:11 PM

So glad to hear swallowing is easier today. Continued wishes for that to get better, Free. ♥

Fearlessat50 11-13-2018 07:27 PM

Grateful for the fireplace pic, Free, and that you are feeling better
Grateful the air is colder and humidity has increased. Grateful the firefighters are working so hard and so many people are helping
Grateful to have my home
Grateful for good friends

least 11-13-2018 07:47 PM

Grateful for every day I had with Jack. :)

Astro 11-14-2018 04:15 AM

Grateful our dog has a vet appointment today, she's overdue for a checkup and nail trim.

Grateful that I don't feel the need to engage in a political debate with an old friend.

Caramel 11-14-2018 03:57 PM

Grateful for getting the answer I hoped for.

Daisybelle 11-14-2018 03:59 PM

Grateful to be ending this day sober.
Grateful for the lemon & ginger tea I'm drinking.
Grateful to take some unwanted clothes to the charity shop.
Grateful my husband has gone to bed and I've got half an hour on my own.
Grateful my kitten is curled up on my lap, sucking my sleeve, so cute.
Grateful to be going to bed myself shortly.
Grateful to you all for being part of my journey.

Alysheba 11-14-2018 04:00 PM

Grateful to see Caramel! Hoping all is well.

Grateful to be winding the evening down sober.

Grateful my oldest nephew is stopping by tonight. Grateful he seems to be doing well despite his recent diagnosis of M.D.

Grateful for my blessings. ♥

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