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Kris47 02-28-2015 11:33 AM

Grateful to be home relaxing today after a morning meeting.

freein14 02-28-2015 10:58 PM

Grateful I'm not aching too much after my run yesterday, I thought I might be stranded upstairs today, but managed to creak down the stairs in a (fairly) dignified manner this morning!

Littlebear 03-01-2015 01:28 AM

Grateful my bedroom is filled with sun and I can see from bed out the window across the fields - into the beginning of my 14 th day sober...

seanie1888 03-01-2015 02:23 AM

Grateful for the feeding birds

FBL 03-01-2015 03:29 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Rusty Zipper 03-01-2015 04:01 AM

grateful fbl's on the ball

Gilmer 03-01-2015 04:14 AM

Grateful for a couple hours extra sleep this morning--I could have used more!

grtgrandpa 03-01-2015 04:22 AM

AV comes and goes like the wind
Grateful to be celebrating 35 years of marriage to my gorgeous partner today. :scoregood

Grateful that she said that I am having a bad day today, because I have the disease/illness of alcoholism. :c029:

Grateful that when I try to complicate a bad day my smart wife tells it like it is. :tyou

Grateful for a simple recovery program for a complicated person like me, and a mentally balanced wife to take up the slack. :ring

MiffyDee 03-01-2015 05:02 AM

Grateful that March 1st begins on a Sunday and that I am starting over again.

courage2 03-01-2015 07:19 AM

Grateful for the beginnings of a plan and the people who are helping me form it.
Grateful that I survived to be here.

HeadLump 03-01-2015 07:25 AM

Congratulations, grtgrandpa, on 35 years with a gorgeous partner - that's over 5 times as long as I've known mine. Hopefully, we'll make 35 years too, although I'll be 82 and he'll be 93! :)

Congratulations, LittleBear on 14 days :bigok:

Very grateful to be thinking of my lovely Welsh mum on a sunny St David's Day

Grateful, too, that my gorgeous one was happy for me to wear a daffodil in my hat when we went out, even though we both knew it looked a tiny bit ridiculous! :)

Kris47 03-01-2015 07:28 AM

Grateful to be able to rest today and get feeling better.

MesaMan 03-01-2015 07:39 AM

That settles it! I gotta one-up HeadLump and strap some Deer Antlers we've found on my Cowboy Hat next time out. Film at 11!

Grateful for the chance to get the Cold-suffering Wife out of the House to ameliorate her current bout of Cabin Fever. Lunch and a Movie later.

Grateful to see a Hawk perch solo on a Cedar Tree. No Pic, unfortunately, due to not having a long Camera Lens.

Grateful for a great Schnooze that allowed me to hop outta Bed, and get some Guy Laundry going early. Everything that not's red in one Load. Saves both Time and Water!-)

The Dog Park yesterday...


zanabanana 03-01-2015 08:02 AM

I woke up! That's what I'm happy about.

strategery 03-01-2015 08:26 AM

1. Grateful for sobriety.
2. Grateful for new opportunities.
3. Grateful that even though I am sick, I feel okay (just sore throat).

Congrats grtgrandpa on 35 years of marriage!

HeadLump 03-01-2015 08:39 AM

Originally Posted by MesaMan (Post 5232104)
That settles it! I gotta one-up HeadLump and strap some Deer Antlers we've found on my Cowboy Hat next time out.


I'd love a picture of that, MM - but even if you show me yours, I'm definitely not letting you see mine! ;)

MesaMan 03-01-2015 09:21 AM

Welp HeadLump ~

Re: your 'offer' above, this Comment might apply, since my Brain often lags my Mouth. As I once told the Founder of a small Company I worked at: 'Sir, great Minds think alike. And, so do you and I!' Then, I waited for this MIT Physics Genius with numerous Patents to have HR escort me off the Premises. He 'processed' my Comment; got this wry smile and said: 'Do you mind if I write that down and borrow it?' Phew! Job saved once again.

From around Halloween, here's a Pic of part of our Antler Shed Collection.

Though chilly your way, too, as it is here now, I do remember a Sales Rep taking me to some important Customer on your West Coast to - hopefully - save the Account using my Technical Trivia. He blew me away by showing my Palm Trees there. I guess the Ocean Current cycling up from the Caribbean provides localized warming. ~3 Decades on, I'll never recall the Town. We LOVE the U.K.!


Kris47 03-01-2015 09:31 AM

The sheds up our way are gone by the time we get back north. We still have fun looking. I have a little collection of my own though from the ones I've taken.

Alysheba 03-01-2015 11:19 AM

Grateful for some extra sleep this morning. It felt so good, I want to sleep some more. :)

freein14 03-01-2015 10:43 PM

Grateful for another start to a sober and productive week.

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