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JBird100 03-04-2013 03:17 PM

I'm grateful for my sobriety.
*for the support of my boyfriend
*for my dog who loves me unconditionally
*for my new home that's close to the dog park
*for getting fit as it is a very important part of my recovery.

snoopy87 03-04-2013 03:32 PM

I am grateful to have celebrated 1 year at my job as of a couple of days ago. It means more to me than my 10 year at my previous job. I'm grateful more is being revealed to me and that I can accept God's time instead of kicking and screaming for mine. I am grateful for natural sleep and the hope I see in a newcomer's eyes after a lightbulb goes off.

Rusty Zipper 03-05-2013 03:47 AM

grateful to have steady work that i enjoy

LDT 03-05-2013 04:26 AM

Grateful for my morning, coffee, comfy chair, SR! :)

EternalQ 03-05-2013 05:00 AM

Grateful to be able to help my son in laws family. His Uncle, who I may have mentioned , went to the ER a few weeks ago with shoulder pain. He ended up in surgery with esophageal bleeding. (Pancreatitis causes this.) Then he was transferred to a hepatitic center as he went on a liver transplant list. Got cellulites and more internal bleeding but his liver couldnt handles medicine. He died yesterday.

This was a man who the day before the ER was working full-time successfully. Known to be a big drinker all his life. This is what we call a "high functioning alcoholic", the kind no one worries about. I was one of those. He is near my age in his fifties. I am so sad for everyone. Theyre in shock at what alcohol can do. That it kills you.

Grateful i can reach out to them and also help babysit for the funeral, etc. Grateful I could tell someone this. Thank you.

courage2 03-05-2013 05:17 AM

Grateful that today is an ordinary day at work. Nothing special is good sometimes.
Grateful that my young adult son talks to me.
Grateful that I love where I live.
Grateful for SR and the help of everyone here.

lyddie 03-05-2013 06:13 AM

Thank you courage for making me think about being grateful for ordinary days. I too am grateful that today will be an ordinary day at work.

nel68 03-05-2013 06:46 AM

:winter2 Grateful for good snow boots, we are getting another 3 to 6 inches today! Grateful to wake up feeling good after a bad insomnia night. Grateful to keep feeling great and pretty much struggle free to be sober...... I have probably said it a million times but here goes a million and one.....Grateful to SR!!:a194:

HappyDestiny3 03-05-2013 07:12 AM

Grateful to be alive and sober this morning.. :)

Where the rest of the day takes me is just fine, looking forward to some 2 new pigeon's coming to my homegroup tonight.. :)

Rusty Zipper 03-06-2013 03:39 AM

grateful 3 of my sponcees have their own, and the third is looking for a student

Fandy 03-06-2013 03:42 AM

Grateful for sober mornings.....prepared for work, not scrambling to get my act together with a sick stomach and raging hangover.
Grateful that my mornings are filled with gratitude, breakfast, exercise and maybe a quick puzzle game before work...
And very grateful i can look in the mirror without cringing.

LDT 03-06-2013 03:43 AM

Grateful that even though I'm feeling poorly this a.m.....with symptoms similar to a is definitely NOT a hangover. ( funny how a touch of possible food poisoning is preferable over a hangover these days ).

EternalQ 03-06-2013 04:55 AM

Grateful snow held off. Just rain.
Grateful for Cheerios.
Grateful for an iron and an ironing board.

lyddie 03-06-2013 05:08 AM

Grateful for the massage I had last night.

Pondlady 03-06-2013 05:27 AM

EQ, Very sorry to hear about your son in law's uncle:(

Grateful for a snow day here....wonder how my day will unfold?

courage2 03-06-2013 05:39 AM

Grateful that my mother who died this morning did not have to go into a nursing home.
Grateful that she was grateful for many things in her life.
Grateful that my brother and his wife are there to sort out the things that have to be sorted immediately.

Grace2 03-06-2013 06:01 AM

Courage (( big hugs)) prayers for you both.

E.Q ((big hugs)) prayers for your daughter and family and for you.

Grateful that my blood test results were completely normal.

Grateful that though I have red eyes this morning it is because I didn't get much sleep due to coughing half the night.

Grateful to have had yesterday off and had a very productive day.

Grateful for my independence.

Grateful fo rmy life and for you here with me.

HappyDestiny3 03-06-2013 06:56 AM

E.Q and Courage... ****{hugs}}} and prayers for your families and all involved in those tough times.. :ghug3

Grateful for blue skies and sunny..

Grateful to have more orders to fill.. :)

kelle96 03-06-2013 07:00 AM

Grateful that my drinking hasn't gotten me in real trouble before I saw the light and that my family loves me regardless of my imperfections.

and for coffee.....

blueholly 03-06-2013 08:32 AM

Grateful I found this post :)
Grateful I got up early enuf to braid my little girls hair.
Grateful my MIL is taking my daughter to by shoes so I don't have to ;)

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