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CarolD 05-20-2011 05:30 AM

Grateful to have y'all to share and care with :yup:

I'm heading into another pleasant day....anyone can join me there
It's not where you's about how you livve.
Good morning.......:ring

newby1961 05-20-2011 05:55 AM

Morning grats

I am really grateful to have an attitude of gratitude vs all those negative ones

Grateful I am a bit sore today but that's because I have a sunburn. We are going on day 3 of beautiful weather.

Have a facundity Friday:rotfxko (eloquence)

AmericanGirl 05-20-2011 07:24 AM

Grateful to manage to eat a healthy breakfast even though my weekly weigh-in shows me stumped for two weeks (a partial whine here too) . . . I guess that means I am not going to let myself get off track or give up so easily. :) Grateful my boyfriend is taking me out tonight. Grateful to have woken up pretty early today to enjoy more of the daylight hours.

Mida 05-20-2011 08:02 AM

Hey, dear Gratties!

Pattenat, yay on 4 months! :c011:

Frances, I see some of 'em trying to get away...get 'em, get 'em!!! lol

WW, thanks for the "Breaking News" and glad you got some rest


For my facundity Friday (thanks, Sneeze!) I'm grateful...

For sons who give hugs and take out the garbage, for daughters who volunteer for good causes and share their dreams with you, for hubbys who stick with it and show you every day how much they care, regardless of how big of a drunk beeyotch you've been in the past :cries3:...and most of all I'm grateful for God, who truly makes all things possible

Happy Friday all!

Sneezy 05-20-2011 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by Mida (Post 2974690)
For my facundity Friday (thanks, Sneeze!) I'm grateful...

Wish I could take credit, Mida, but Newby's the one with the dictionary!

Mida 05-20-2011 05:50 PM

^^ did I mess that up...? I totally meant Newbs!!! What's an obscure term for brain fart?!!! Lol

Rusty Zipper 05-21-2011 02:43 AM


mor'n GP

wake up sneeze and reub!

grateful the ordered floors came in,

and grateful they might be installed today and tomorrow

even though the weekend is not a good time to do the work

grateful i learned in recovery,

any lenghts! lol

Sneezy 05-21-2011 03:31 AM

:lmao Mida

Morning all!

Did some Saturday sleeping in, RZ -

Glad your new floors are in!

Grateful this morning to have all the windows open and to listen to the birds.

Grateful to have a whole day with nothing I have to do.

First thing - walk around the lake with the dog to see the new baby geese!

I just saw them yesterday - so cute ... gotta hold the dog back from eating them though. No kidding.

Have a great day everyone!

frances2011 05-21-2011 03:31 AM

Grateful to be up!
Grateful for going to a 5-year old friend's birthday party today.
Grateful I will get some planting done today, it will all get done as it gets done.

Reubena 05-21-2011 03:44 AM

Good luck with the floors Rusty, you sure are spiffing the place up :). Wish I could help b/c I would love to learn how to put new floors in.

"brain fart" hee hee :)

Glad you was robbed ww :). Send batboy over this way.

YAY PATT! Can't believe you've only been here 4 months? You go girl, keep rockin' that recovery :)

Grateful this morning that I was able to mow the lawn last night, so I don't have to do it today. Grateful my husband was able to weed whack all the swampy places that I wasn't able to mow. Grateful that M(ove)-day is T minus 13. EEEKS!

Have a super-dee-duper Saturday everyone (Barney sez so!).


Reubena 05-21-2011 03:45 AM

Originally Posted by Sneezy (Post 2975608)
First thing - walk around the lake with the dog to see the new baby geese!

I just saw them yesterday - so cute ... gotta hold the dog back from eating them though. No kidding.

Hilarious! Gotta love our carnivores :)

Fandy 05-21-2011 05:09 AM

GoodmorningSaturday Gratties!

so grateful to see the sunshine and hoping for a warm day...(it is only 55 right now).

grateful that I can do whatever I like today! I am hoping for a day filled with fun! (might seem boring to some of you)....I plan to bake a redvelvet cake, plant more flowers, go shopping and if it is dry enough, sit on my new patio chairs and read my new nookbook....get a little sun on my pasty white body.

grateful that I made some fresh cinnamon rolls and fresh hot coffee...a little extra caffiene and I am eager to get started.

I have got a coming week filled with plans to enjoy my life and make my home clean and peaceful....what a difference from drinking the morning away and laying around like a dying slug....thanks to everyone at SR who listens to me every day....encourages me and helps to keep me on track more than you all know.

15 months ago I could not imagine living like this and feeling in control of my life and my finances....i am still a work in progress.

pattenat 05-21-2011 05:22 AM

Morn' GPers,

Grateful for good weather and the initative and willingness to want to be in my garden today.
Grateful for beautiful weather.
Grateful for the changes of seasons.
Grateful to know that I am loved.
Grateful for LIVING in sobriety.

Love out to all xoxoxoxo What kind of Saturday should we have Newbs?

least 05-21-2011 05:29 AM

Grateful to wake up and realize it was only a dream.:) Grateful for little Jack's company as I drink my coffee.:) Grateful to have the whole day ahead of me to do as I please.:) Grateful to be living sober and enjoying my life.:)

ItWillBeWorthIt 05-21-2011 05:34 AM

Originally Posted by Fandy (Post 2975659)
I am hoping for a day filled with fun! (might seem boring to some of you)....I plan to bake a redvelvet cake, plant more flowers, go shopping and if it is dry enough, sit on my new patio chairs and read my new nookbook....get a little sun on my pasty white body.

Sounds like the perfect day Fandy... not boring at all, rather peaceful and I so love peaceful. Enjoy!

ItWillBeWorthIt 05-21-2011 05:38 AM

Grateful that we had a nice rain shower overnight and the air smells so fresh this morning.

Grateful to look forward to today's events... a little bit of everything today, so organization, cleaning, cooking, hemming pants, teaching my 6 year old stuff, making her birthday cards for her birthday party, reading, drinking tea and coffee, and enjoying the outside by sitting on my deck and relaxing and reading.

Grateful that my life is filled with many things to look forward to and none of them include drinking. I love it SO much.

Have a super, spectacular Saturday!

newby1961 05-21-2011 05:53 AM

Morning grat pack,

Brain fart I love it and sneezy thanks for not taking credit for the words lol

Grateful for the rain, Oh boy did I just say that? Its because I am sunburned and well its okay for today.

IWBWI doesn't sound like a boring day at all sounds productive & relaxing

Everyone have a salacious Saturday:rotfxko(indecently erotic; lecherous):c029:

wellwisher 05-21-2011 06:30 AM

Morning, all.....

Grateful I gave myself permission to relax...I feel brand new and well-rested today.

Grateful to look out the window and see the weekend activities have begun....flower planting, neighbor visits, fishing...I am feeling a real sense of community and am glad to be part of it.

Grateful for the rest and my resolve to straighten out my own finances today...thanks Fandy, I felt like your post was a message from above...

Grateful to learn, ONCE AGAIN, that it is all about balance and that I need to take care of myself every once in a while.

Today I live in the day and will not project to future events that may never even happen. I am responsible for TODAY.

IWBWI - I hope you're feeling better.

Grateful for all you GPer's

Have a good one......

CarolD 05-21-2011 06:55 AM

Good morning everyone......:a122:

Today will be as positive as I want it to be....if there is an
unforseen unplanned comes the Serenity Prayer....:)

lyddie 05-21-2011 07:24 AM

Good Morning everyone and I do hope it will be a very good Saturday morning for everyone.

I am grateful that I have money in the bank, gas in my truck and that the day is all mine to decide what to do and when to do it.

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