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Sneezy 11-01-2010 06:22 PM

Grateful that even though I let my feelings get hurt,

I was eventually able to turn it over to God.

Don't know what else to do about it but trust that He will guide me.

Angelic17 11-01-2010 06:42 PM

Today I am so grateful for my sons recovery. He is clean and sober, exercising, eating right, and WORKING. YAY!!!!!!!!! Thank YOU GOD. I LOVE YOU. Amen

Reubena 11-01-2010 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by Sneezy (Post 2754087)
Grateful that even though I let my feelings get hurt,

I was eventually able to turn it over to God.

Big hug coming your way Sneeze:grouphug:

24hrsAday 11-01-2010 07:11 PM

Grateful for Good business at work tonight!

Astro 11-02-2010 06:41 AM

Grateful for good health.

least 11-02-2010 03:58 PM

Grateful for a useful peaceful day. Grateful for two good dog walks. Grateful for meeting someone who might be a good housemate. Grateful for all I am blessed with.:)

wow1323 11-02-2010 04:30 PM

1.Grateful I followed my gut and went to the college I'm trying to get into and I was RIGHT there was mess up. ....FIXED IT
2. grateful i can finally do things like that. The old me would have felt overwhelmed. It is amazing what 1 can do with a sober life.

Rusty Zipper 11-02-2010 05:51 PM

good for you on the action bit wow

grateful to see yang show up at the meeting tonight,

wearing a Seven Deadly Sins T-Shirt!

and grateful for the reminder

ItWillBeWorthIt 11-02-2010 06:33 PM

Grateful to do more exercise today than the day before... it feel great to have energy again... so working on getting into shape.

Sneezy 11-03-2010 03:05 AM

I need to jump on the exercise train too!

Grateful for my sister who's also my good friend -

feel very blessed

Astro 11-03-2010 06:28 AM

Grateful for patience, and the ability to zip my lip at opportune moments :wink:

Angelic17 11-03-2010 01:45 PM

I am grateful for this site, and all of the loving beautiful compassionate people that I have had the honor to communicate with. This is the place I go, when I am worried about my son, and in need of some understanding. :tyou

least 11-03-2010 03:23 PM

Tonight I am grateful to have enough money to pay my rent and bills, and take care of my dogs and cats, and enough left to live on this month.:) Also grateful for the two students from the school across the street who will be raking my leaves this weekend. They will earn twenty dollars each and I'll have a clean back yard!:)

... now I've got to get out there with the leaf blower and get the leaves out of the corners and into the middle of the yard for raking up...

Rusty Zipper 11-03-2010 05:48 PM

grateful to keep enlarging my spiritual life

24hrsAday 11-03-2010 06:14 PM

Grateful for Good business at work tonight!:c031:

Astro 11-04-2010 06:23 AM

Grateful for some time to rest yesterday afternoon, now I'm prepared for a full load of work today!

Angelic17 11-04-2010 10:47 AM

Today I am grateful for my family and friends. My church family, and all of the gifts that I have. I am grateful for all of the things that we all take for granted. Things like the roof over my head, clean water, food on the table. But mostly for LOVE. It's love that heals,inspires, and gives us the motivation to do better.

least 11-04-2010 03:28 PM

Grateful for an energetic productive day. And grateful for the sobriety (and espresso coffee) that enabled me to get so much done.:) Grateful for my vets and their staff who are always looking out for me and my doggies.:) And, as always, grateful for my SR family! :grouphug:

Rusty Zipper 11-04-2010 05:57 PM

grateful to not have a huge attitude tonight,

when i left one meeting to go on a speaking commitment that i sgned up for,

when i got there,

some other clown was there,

with way more time then me,

and was going to speak that didn't sign up.

might have to take this baby to Whiners! lol

ItWillBeWorthIt 11-04-2010 06:56 PM

Grateful for my family and grateful to be able to appreciate just how fortunate we really are.

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