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Jaeger 10-12-2014 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by Twofish (Post 4951143)
All day so far, I have felt calm...tomorrow the storm may start. That's ok, I'm going to walk thru it a bit frightened (of the unknown) but walking thru it with my head up. What will be will be, the future hasn't happened yet.
I feel at peace that I won't face this rainy day Monday, alone.


Just keep walking! I know it may be tough but in the end you will be able to hold your head up high. I follow the belief that it may be hard to always take the high road but in the end you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror with pride. What will your husband see?

Twofish 10-12-2014 07:33 PM

My Friends,
I think about the past few years and what did it do to me? For my children? For their disease and troubled mind?
I won't spend another moment wasting time trying to fix something that is so impossible to fix....So I will fix me.
All those months and years spent in what did I accomplish or achieve? Nothing.
I have been unhealthy, I have hidden and made deals and begged and blamed myself.
I've been unhealthy to my mind and body for far too long.
It's time to make some healthy changes.
Fear not the disease but accept and have courage
to change the unhealthiness within me. I will do this with the support that uplifts me.

bigsombrero 10-12-2014 07:39 PM

Good for you TF. Keep your own happiness and health paramount, and stay in the present! Neither the past nor future exist, so dwelling for too long on either one is just as fruitless. Many here are along side you to support you in this journey, I am glad you are beginning to see a comforting light!

Txhelp 10-12-2014 10:57 PM

Even though we can look back at "time wasted" never is lost. Lessons learned and battles that we never win are often our journey.a journey of growth through pain. Never wasted.

Your husband is up against a strong mother and wife. He may be surprised.

Vale 10-13-2014 02:12 AM

Well, Monday is all 4 US time zones. You are still here.
It may be rainy----but you have shown us the eternal sunshine within
you. That (and your son!) are what will sustain you this week...and every
week that follows.
Trepidation? Of course. Fear of the unknown? Probably.
But you are stronger than these things. Far stronger.

We believe it. Now it's time for YOU to believe it.

Very Respectfully,


Twofish 10-13-2014 05:03 AM

You're right Vale. Just a bump in the road. I'm just frightened sometimes, those papers will be coming for me soon and if not those papers will be finding him, where ever he is.
I must snap out of it and believe in myself.
Thanks for the pep talk. Seriously, thank you, I needed it.

hopeful4 10-13-2014 06:49 AM

The hardest thing ever is living in the present, and I know you can do it. I believe in you always TF!!!!


Twofish 10-13-2014 06:24 PM

Hello Dear SR friends,
A very bumpy, no rocky road indeed!
I had thought my recovering daughters were Queens of manipulation...humm, he's throwing it at me with a double barrel shot gun. Yes, I took a few low, cowardly blows today but I'm still standing, and I AM NOT ALONE. (I cannot forget this very wise Duck phrase.)
I thought today, this rainy day Monday, "why me?" "Why again?"...then I looked around at what I have and have accomplished, and answered "why not me?", I've been there, done that, I know this game and I know how to protect myself.
Don't be alone, it hurts too much. And BTW...I love watching the rain :love:

jaynie04 10-13-2014 06:38 PM

Twofish….I have followed your story since I started here. I so admire you and I hope you can feel the little pinpoints of good energy coming your way from all over the world. There are a lot of us rooting for you, you are a courageous and admirable woman, and you most certainly are not alone. A big shout out from the east coast tonight!

needingabreak 10-14-2014 07:25 AM

Hey TF waiting on a plane in the airport after bumping from an overbooked flight and wanted to come here and check on you.
I pray today is a good day and everyone is healthy and pushing forward. I like how you count your blessings and continue to be positive. You really are a strong and determined woman! Thinking of you. XO

hopeful4 10-14-2014 07:31 AM

((TF)) we love you!

Hope2014 10-14-2014 07:46 AM

Sending you prayers, strength and a giant hug. You will get through this. We are all here for you.:ring

Twofish 10-14-2014 07:52 AM

Oh my dear SR Family,
I am feels so right to be loved.
I'm not having an anxiety breakdown freak out day, yeah yeah! but making some
chicken (NOT DUCK) soup for my kids to enjoy. Can you smell it...?
I'm keeping busy keeping that "what iffing" at bay.
And Needingabreak...Please stay away from ANYONE that has a fever in that
airport, don't want you catching any crazy viruses!!
Love to us all!

Vale 10-15-2014 12:49 AM

Not duck soup, huh?
So what kind of chickens quack??????

needingabreak 10-15-2014 01:41 PM

Chicken soup sounds delicious! No fevers on the East Coast.....yet.
How are you today?

irisgardens 10-15-2014 01:48 PM

Sending love and care TF.

OK--I'll bite Vale...what kind of chickens quack? I am a sucker for chicken jokes...

sparrow15 10-15-2014 02:17 PM

I'm so sorry you're going though this Twofish. You are such a shining light to so many on here. Thoughts and prayers and lots of strength is being sent your way!!

Vale 10-15-2014 11:10 PM

No joke. It's just that they never SAY it's duck
soup on the menu. They just invite you to dinner,
get all evasive when you inquire as to the menu----
and the chef is following you around like he's your
best friend!!!

Such invitations are best not answered if one's goal is to
become an old/wise duck!

Twofish 10-16-2014 08:44 PM

Such new drama that can be directly related to having addiction join, no STEAL, my family.
Why is it necessary to hurt so many people? And for such a long time without mercy or even a tiny break?
It doesn't seem fair, but sometimes life isn't fair.
One fact that I've noticed, from the very beginning, is, no matter how much I am hurting...someone else is hurting more.
I'm so thankful that SR has surrounded me to make it impossible to be or do this alone.
Don't attempt to ride this roller coaster alone, you will fall out and you will be hurt.
I've been hurt for too long. Time to get "unhurt" via support and not being alone.
I will never let myself be alone with addiction again.

Twofish 10-17-2014 05:24 AM

I'm glad it's Friday. My daughter will be home tonight and I will need her support and
sunshine. That seems so foreign to me?
I've been there for her, cheered her on, been her support while she struggled to find
her way through addictions grip. And she made it, so far, and her recovery is hard at work
every second of every day. For the rest of her life.
I hope every parent or friend of an addiction sufferer, has some peace this weekend.
This disease doesn't offer any breaks, only the recovery can quiet the storm.

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