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Ann 08-28-2012 04:50 AM

Sending mama sized hugs, TJP, because having a front row seat to the drama of addiction is the worst seat in the house.

Time to leave the theatre, he's got it all figured out right now and it's very nice that he showed you just how ready he wasn't. Jail just may help him more than all "our" plans rolled together.

Let's you and I and the posse and all our supporters here, just go up the street and grab ourselves some cheesecake. It's time to spoil ourselves rotten and let our kids figure this out for themselves.

More hugs and a box of forks (for sharing the cheesecake).

dollydo 08-28-2012 05:15 AM

Sometimes the best thing to do is.... nothing. The HP seems know exactly what is best to do, even if we don't.

tjp613 08-28-2012 05:41 AM

Thanks, Ann. Yeah, he actually did me a favor. I feel completely released from all parental 'obligation' at this point in time. No plans to load up his commissary account nor do I have any need or desire to talk to him. I feel free. Maybe that's why I'm so giddy.

Originally Posted by dollydo (Post 3552441)
Sometimes the best thing to do is.... nothing. The HP seems know exactly what is best to do, even if we don't.

Isn't that the truth?! I take great comfort in knowing that HP thinks the same way I do: that jail is where he needs to be right now.

God is good -- all the time.

SundaysChild 08-28-2012 06:09 AM

I found that my higher power keeps hitting me over the head with the same scenario over and over again until it finally sinks in.

Hopefully this shoplifting arrest is the one that will let your son realize that he has put himself in this position - and he is ready to get himself out of it. But, if it doesn't - at least he's safe in jail again.

cece1960 08-28-2012 06:55 AM

Awe TJP...I guess some of your questions were answered. Time to take a breather and let life happen for a spell. Perhaps his HP feels he needed a little more time to think? He may not be comfy, but he's safer than being out.

I can't tell you the countless times I tried to spin my son's earth. It never worked out for me.

I hope you can get some rest and spend some time on you.

PrayingMama 08-28-2012 07:03 AM

God is so obviously at work in your son's life that, if you can, take a long, sweet rest from worrying right now.

If we lived close, I'd be bringing the cheesecake over...(as would all the other Posse Moms--what a feast/party that would be!)

Blessings, peace, rest.

Ilovemysonjj 08-28-2012 07:39 AM

TJP, I so understand this insanity you are dealing with. So he is back in jail? i guess that is where he was supposed to stay and HP circumvented the girlfriends plans.
Anyway, let him be for now. You are no longer held hostage by the bad choices (nor am I) that our sons are perpetually making.
Hugs and have a good day!

outtolunch 08-28-2012 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by tjp613 (Post 3548480)

I think right now he is so desperate for relief from this depression that he would immediately seek out heroin if he had 1/2 a chance.

I think he is so desperate for heroin that he's beyond depressed.

GardenMama 08-28-2012 07:59 AM

"Not sure why I think this is actually funny, but my son was arrested for shoplifting yesterday and is now in the same jail he just got out of 2 days ago."

It wasn't hard for me to see how that was kind of funny and familiar, sad and expected in some ways! People often comment that even in the worst of times, I can smile at what is going on. So, I get the humor in it, dark as it is. :) And what also makes me smile is how often I have ruminated over some kind of "fix" for my daughter that almost always never worked the way I'd imagined! That is what I am learning here in my recovery.

I do hope you are able to put yourself in a Worry-Free Zone, dear TJP. I like the cruise idea...when can we leave?

Hugs & peace.

LoveMeNow 08-28-2012 08:04 AM

((tjp )))

When your son got bailed out - did he still want to go to a rehab?

Also, when you do talk to your son again, please remind him that God is not only a very loving God, but he also has a great sense of humor !! ;)

Keep smiling tjp and take comfort that God has this!!

outtolunch 08-28-2012 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by LoveMeNot (Post 3552634)
((tjp )))

When your son got bailed out - did he still want to go to a rehab?

Given he was arrested for shoplifting it's reasonable to assume he was fundraising for his pet project, the opposite of seeking recovery.

tjp613 08-28-2012 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by LoveMeNot (Post 3552634)
((tjp )))

When your son got bailed out - did he still want to go to a rehab?

Well, he SAID he wanted to go...but we all know what their words are worth. I think he meant it at the time, y'know? Takes a lot more than just "wanting" it. Poor guy. :(

tjp613 08-28-2012 09:06 AM

Originally Posted by GardenMama (Post 3552628)
I like the cruise idea...when can we leave?

Well, I'm headed for Vegas in October if anyone wants to come!! :D As for the cruise, I can be packed in 2 hours. Shall we go to the Mediterranean?

LoveMeNow 08-28-2012 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by outtolunch (Post 3552705)
Given he was arrested for shoplifting it's reasonable to assume he was fundraising for his pet project, the opposite of seeking recovery.

uhmm....ok! lol

CanfixONLYme 08-28-2012 02:12 PM

Wow - what a whirlwind you've been going through this week! I'm glad you are feeling more at peace with how things have transpired with your son. You deserve at least that and more... We all do. :(

Someone said something in the past posts that resonated with me and maybe I'm going to be taking it out of context but here goes... they said something along the lines of "are you willing to walk down that dark road with him...". Well, as you know, I was on that road and had to get off in order to save my own life. There was absolutely nothing in the world that I could do to help him see the light. He HAD to see it for himself... and just couldn't. A part of me never gave up believing tho (at a safe distance)...

Your son is young and with incarceration being bloody hard, there's always hope he will eventually "see" and change his life around. Hope is a very powerful tool ... especially from a distance. Big hugs to you!

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