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kuljey 08-04-2009 10:53 AM

Husband in Jail/Mom Callin--Tryin to Stay Strong
I have been hearing from the mom--i have answered her calls, and called her back. He is still in jail and shes saying "hes not mad at me, he still loves me, wants to see me. I have the temporary restraining order and court on the 12th, if i DROP the TRO and go see him we talk about our future. I know better (brain wise) that he is not a well person and i cant go back to him.

My brain doesnt work right now..but i had to post what is goin on. His mom says that the drugs made him act that way.

After seeing my therapist we figured out he is a sociopath. Exactly..exactly!!!


ItsmeAlice 08-04-2009 11:16 AM

Of course he's saying those things and of course he's having his mother do the talking because you might just believe her and drop the TRO and then there's a slight chance he could get out of this mes.


You will not drop the TRO. You will not buy into this boo-hoo crap. Yeah, the drugs made him do it. And what do you think he will go right back to when he gets out....the drugs. Then what happens when he does the drugs....HE BEATS YOU UP IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS!!!!!!

Hi! It's just me Alice your friendly neighborhood kick in the pants. His mama is just being worked over by him. That's her problem, not yours. If she calls again say "I know he said that. Yeah, I miss him, too. Yeah, I love him, too. He did this to himself, I wish I could fix it for him, but those blows to the head really have me at a loss for words. Kisses." Then hang up!!

He's where he needs to be. Let him stay there. If you need someone to talk to that's not being manipulated by him and isn't going to have another motive when they talk to you, talk to me. I don't know the turd and I don't care to.


itisatruth 08-04-2009 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by kuljey (Post 2319514)
I know better (brain wise) that he is not a well person and i cant go back to him.

he is a sociopath. Exactly..exactly!!!


Sometimes we have to go with what we know not what we feel. You know the right thing: trust your brain on this one, you are worth it. As for the mom, if it was me, I'd avoid her calls right now. To ask you to see him shows she is more worried about her son than she is concerned with your well being. Years ago when I left my abusive ex (I had a RO too) I didn't talk to my exMIL for a couple months just because I didn't feel strong enough to disappoint her. In the long run she understood and we remain friends today.

It's good you came here to post before you did the tape all the way through ~


laurie6781 08-04-2009 12:46 PM

I agree totally with what has been said above.

You don't have to talk to his mom. She is just 'repeating' his MANIPULATION. You KNOW the truth.

Go No Contact with his family as well as him. Go to court, have the TRO turned into a PRO (Permanent).

Stay strong. I am glad you came here first before doing anything.

Love and hugs,

PurpleWilder 08-04-2009 02:27 PM

If this guy was hitting you in front of your kids and abusing you, he should stay in jail. PERIOD. Keep the restraining order, ignore the mom and if she persists on bugging you, tell her you will get a harassment order on her as well. That should stop things ASAP.

As I stated in another post, drugs do not cause abusiveness. Lots of people do drugs, but do they sexually assault strangers on the street or beat up crossing guards? Of course not. Abusiveness is cause by underlying attitudes of entitlement and the belief that they have the right to use whatever force is necessary (physical, mental, emotional, financial, societal) to get whatever they want. Drugs just lower their resistance to acting on those attitudes that are already swirling around inside of them.

winnie12 08-04-2009 03:44 PM

stop answering the phone - you dont need anymore manipulation

outtolunch 08-04-2009 05:22 PM

He's manipulating his mom and she's manipulating you.

It's easy to end this game....just cease communicating with his mom.

kuljey 08-05-2009 06:34 AM

OKAY EVERYONE!! TODAY IS THE DAY!!!---I HAVE an intake w/legal aide. They will decide if they will take my case!! I havent been online to read everything. I so appreciate the kicks...they help me keep my brain straight!

I am really trying to focus!!! Thank you so much!! Need more!! Thank you thank you!

Ann 08-05-2009 07:00 AM

I like the suggestion to "play the tape all the way through" on these kinds of thoughts.

We're all going with you today (I'll be the one in bunny slippers) and cheering you on!!

Take back your life girl, abuse is never ever ever okay. :c014:

Hugs and Prayers that today goes well.

DontBurnThePig 08-05-2009 07:14 AM

Good luck today!! :fireworks2

ItsmeAlice 08-05-2009 10:05 AM

Cassandra has a thread on positive thinking. Remember that you have to ask your HP and the universe to receive. Put out that resolve that this must be done. You need the case accepted so you can move forward and stay safe. He's trying to reach out to work you over through his mom from jail. He has the help he needs to get what he wants, you need the help on your side to.

Deep breath. Hang in there. Just keep saying to yourself....I got this. I got this. I can do this. I can do this.

.....if the doors close this time. Keep pounding on doors until you get what you need. If you have it in your mind that nothing will dissuade you, then nothing will.

Best to you today!!!


kuljey 08-05-2009 11:40 AM

thank you guys!! thank you guys!! i have to have to have to have to stop!! when the legal aide paralegal asked me, are you dont w/him..i said yes, BUT i want to know why... and i started crying. i havent been crying alot. but that why...he loved me..i stood by him in rehab..always was there for him..but he said/did awful/mean things. why!!

ps. they will let me know later if i am going to be receiving their legal help

winnie12 08-05-2009 01:05 PM

i have had my struggles with the "whys' and "what if" questions. those are the kinds of questions that can really hold us back. my big why questions came after i experienced the loss of a friend and my neice. why - why them? the more i tried to figure it out the more upsetting it became until i finally came to the conclusion that there really is no answer - at least not an answer that i could comprehend. i can ask "why is this happening to me?" well, why not me - what makes me so much more special that i shouldnt go through this problem or situation - and maybe i'm going through it because this is my journey and what i need to go through to become who i'm supposed to be.

so i dont ask why, and i dont reflect on what ifs anymore. i thank HP for what i've gone through because this is what makes me who i am and i ask for strength to get through the next battles that are most assuredly around the corner. i seek peace in the times i can and try not to ask questions that have no answers. there is also the reality that the answers could hurt us more than we're already hurt so best not to open that pandora's box and instead just accept it for what it is.

gotahavfaith 08-05-2009 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by winnie12 (Post 2320770)
i have had my struggles with the "whys' and "what if" questions. those are the kinds of questions that can really hold us back. my big why questions came after i experienced the loss of a friend and my neice. why - why them? the more i tried to figure it out the more upsetting it became until i finally came to the conclusion that there really is no answer - at least not an answer that i could comprehend. i can ask "why is this happening to me?" well, why not me - what makes me so much more special that i shouldnt go through this problem or situation - and maybe i'm going through it because this is my journey and what i need to go through to become who i'm supposed to be.

so i dont ask why, and i dont reflect on what ifs anymore. i thank HP for what i've gone through because this is what makes me who i am and i ask for strength to get through the next battles that are most assuredly around the corner. i seek peace in the times i can and try not to ask questions that have no answers. there is also the reality that the answers could hurt us more than we're already hurt so best not to open that pandora's box and instead just accept it for what it is.


From me to you Winnie - Thank you for that post. All the things that happen to us throughout our lives is our journey. We don't always know why, we're probably not supposed to. If we could all remember this, maybe we could trudge thru life with what we really want: SELF-fullfillment, and that really does come from within. We are the only ones that gets to decide that.

Gotahavfaith :thanks

kuljey 08-06-2009 05:59 AM

My head knows...but...still STRUGGLING
well, i did it this time, i called the mother. I almost even called his daughters grandmother (the one who LOVED to tell me the bad stuff he would go tell them--supposedly.) i was going to apologize to her for upsetting her--honestly guys--i wanted to know if his daughter has heard from Addict Husband...(possibly soon to be...more than likely Ex AH.) His mom said God doesnt like divorce. That he wants to talk about our future. BUT...HES A SOCIOPATH.
***he fits all these****

Antisocial Personality Disorder is also known as psychopathy or
sociopathy. Individuals with this disorder have little regard for the
feeling and welfare of others. As a clinical diagnosis it is usually
limited to those over age 18. It can be diagnosed in younger people
if the they commit isolated antisocial acts and do not show signs of
another mental disorder.

Antisocial Personality Disorder is chronic, beginning in adolescence
and continuing throughout adulthood. There are ten general

not learning from experience
no sense of responsibility
inability to form meaningful relationships
inability to control impulses
lack of moral sense
chronically antisocial behavior
no change in behavior after punishment
emotional immaturity
lack of guilt

People with this disorder may exhibit criminal behavior. They may
not work. If they do work, they are frequently absent or may quit
suddenly. They do not consider other people's wishes, welfare or
rights. They can be manipulative and may lie to gain personal
pleasure or profit. They may default on loans, fail to provide child
support, or fail to care for their dependents adequately. High risk
sexual behavior and substance abuse are common. Impulsiveness,
failure to plan ahead, aggressiveness, irritability, irresponsibility,
and a reckless disregard for their own safety and the safety of
others are traits of the antisocial personality.

Socioeconomic status, gender, and genetic factors play a role.
Males are more likely to be antisocial than females. Those from
lower socioeconomic groups are more susceptible. A family history
of the disorder puts one at higher risk.

There are many theories about the cause of Antisocial Personality
Disorder including experiencing neglectful parenting as a child, low
levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, and belief that
antisocial behavior is justified because of difficult circumstances.
Psychotherapy, group therapy, and family therapy are common
treatments. The effects of medical treatment are inconclusive.
Unfortunately, most people with Antisocial Personality Disorder
reject treatment. Therefore, recovery rates are low.

Been seeing my therapist 2x week now! She said to think about the times i am struggling (weekends, night) and we can come up with a plan to help those times. I have today to make a visit at the jail only, and visit either sat/ is the last last day for a decision.. because next week (wed) is the restraining order hearing. Wow, i have bad anxiety!

Help! Signed: Wanting to Know!! :praying

laurie6781 08-06-2009 07:31 AM

You DO NOT have to visit the jail and/or HIM.

This man and his family are TOXIC. He is a very ABUSIVE DANGEROUS person. I hope you keep yourself and your child as far away from him as possible!

Please go through with the Wednesday court date and get the TRO installed as a PRO for your safety.

Have a plan ............................ keep your cell phone with you at ALL TIMES.

Keep a bag in the trunk of your vehicle with a change of clothes in it for you and your child, important papers, and a list of people you can call.

Program the DV Shelter's number into your cell phone.

Take extra precautions and stay safe.

Love and hugs,

winnie12 08-06-2009 07:47 AM

darling, you need a vacation from the insanity. you're in so deep in his world that you're lost and cant think clearly. sometimes even a no contact time period for a few days or weeks can really help to clear the head. I have no idea whether he is a sociopath but i can tell you that from what you say he is abusive and manipulating you and so is his mother. Sure HP doesnt like divorce but He also doesnt approve of husbands being abusive and destroying their families. Even in my church abuse is grounds for divorce.

You’ve got to start taking care of yourself because no one else is going to. Its time to start calling the shots in your own life. Everytime you communicate with them you give up your own power over your life. Please try no contact at all for a while. If you have a friend you can go stay with a few days do it – if you have to turn off your phone do it. Whatever it takes do it. Come up with a plan of how to regain your life and figure out what you can do now to start that. Keep your mind occupied on other things so that you’re not obsessing about him.

Darlin, this is no way to live - this is no way to treat your wife. but he doesnt have your best interests at heart and neither does his family. so you have to do this - reach deep down inside and find that strength - trust in your HP to give you strength when you dont feel you can do it. I think you may surprise yourself if you just start the journey.

outtolunch 08-06-2009 11:05 AM

Originally Posted by kuljey (Post 2321594)

well, i did it this time, i called the mother. I almost even called his daughters grandmother (the one who LOVED to tell me the bad stuff he would go tell them--supposedly.) i was going to apologize to her for upsetting her--honestly guys--i wanted to know if his daughter has heard from Addict Husband...(possibly soon to be...more than likely Ex AH.) His mom said God doesnt like divorce. That he wants to talk about our future. BUT...HES A SOCIOPATH.

You want to appologize to this woman because she gave you the stink eye?

You want to know if they have heard from the sociopath? Why is this?

rayofsunshine 08-06-2009 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by kuljey (Post 2321594)
His mom said God doesn't like divorce. That he wants to talk about our future. BUT...HES A SOCIOPATH.
***he fits all these****

Hi Kuljey,
I struggled with this for a loooooong time.... that God hates divorce. I felt
if I prayed enough and stood by him, he would change. God can change people, but only if they are willing. My STBexH wasn't willing, so we finally
separated after 21 years. The husband is supposed to love the wife as Christ
loved the Church.... if he is not treating you with love in all his actions, then he is not fulfilling his part... and God never condones abuse. If this is part of what's holding you back from moving on... God will forgive divorce ... you've done all you can to save the marriage, and your partner isn't doing his part, just ask for forgiveness and then continue legal protection to keep yourself safe.

Serenity Bound 08-06-2009 11:59 AM

don't know if you made your decision yet. IMO, wouldn't going to see him VOID the entire RO. Doesn't sound like a very wise decsion to me.

PurpleWilder 08-06-2009 01:07 PM

I tell people that the reason that my ex and I got divorced was over religious differences - he thought he was God and I disagreed with him. :)

I'm pretty sure that your husband is not God. And I am pretty sure that neither he or his mom has any direct insight into God's will for you. That is for you alone.

kuljey 08-07-2009 08:09 AM

Why is my brain...
:c021:geez why in the world is my brain working this way?

winnie12 08-07-2009 08:32 AM

Originally Posted by kuljey (Post 2322949)
:c021:geez why in the world is my brain working this way?

Have you ever been awaken by a really bad dream and you couldnt shake it or go back to sleep? maybe even had to go check on the kids to make sure everyone was okay. well its kinda like that or like being brainwashed - you mind has been thinking a certain way for a very long time and you have to change the way you think.

so what i do is when i start thinking the old ways - i do something, anything. post on SR, go for a walk, clean the bathroom, pick up a book, put a funny movie on tv, call a friend - anything to stop that train of thought. I try to engage in things that dont remind me of the problems or bring me in contact with people who will remind me.

see everytime he's done A you've done B and your brain is now trained to think that way
now that you realize the insanity, you have to retrain your brain to do C

outtolunch 08-07-2009 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by kuljey (Post 2322949)
:c021:geez why in the world is my brain working this way?

Self esteem, lack thereof, is often at the root of most of our own problems.

When we don't feel good about ourselves, we all have a tendency to make decisions based on emotions that often sustain our poor self image. It's a self perpetuating habit that afflicts all humans at some point in time.

Self esteem improves when we make set boundaries and make better decisions for ourselves. Better boundaries and decisions may carry some amount of discomfort at first but over the long haul, it leads to self love.

kuljey 08-07-2009 11:05 AM

my therapist made me contract with her (made me a 3rd appt for this week) to not contact him at all or the mother. im thinking he is very desperate and trying to set me up to get me in trouble.

rayofsunshine 08-07-2009 11:18 AM

Addicts do sometimes get desperate and will do anything to blame others... as long
as they have someone else to blame, they don't have to accept the reality of their
own actions/faults.

Stay strong. You are doing the right thing!

tjp613 08-07-2009 11:40 AM

my therapist made me contract with her (made me a 3rd appt for this week) to not contact him at all or the mother. im thinking he is very desperate and trying to set me up to get me in trouble.
Yes, he is very desperate -- his manipulation that has always worked in the past is not working now. This is the hard part -- the part where you have to follow through!

Kuljey - You KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that you should stay far far away. Every fiber of your being is telling you this is true. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other because you know what is the right thing to do.

Learn2Live 08-07-2009 11:50 AM

Kuljey, He KNEW what he was doing and he and his mother are using drugs as an excuse. It was NOT the drugs that "made" him do it! They KNOW what they are doing when they beat you up! He just doesn't care. Stay the hell away from him.

outtolunch 08-07-2009 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by kuljey (Post 2323157)
my therapist made me contract with her (made me a 3rd appt for this week) to not contact him at all or the mother. im thinking he is very desperate and trying to set me up to get me in trouble.

Stop over thinking this guy, kuljey. It tends to lead to rationalizing. And that's how we get into trouble.

Honor the contract with your therapist.

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