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suki44883 09-22-2019 06:51 PM

Oh, what a sigh of relief I just let out. I am so glad you and your dogs are safe. You did a great job of keeping him from suspecting anything. What did you tell your son? (((HUGS)))

LifeChangeNYC 09-22-2019 07:04 PM

You 100% did the right thing. You will experience mixed emotions but one step at a time... you took the first, most difficult step. Bravo!!! Took such courage! Don’t worry... you’ll next figure out a plan to get your house back. For now, take a huge breath. So proud of you. Time to focus on yourself...... and only, yourself!

Milano58 09-22-2019 07:08 PM

Relax not and let the police get him out
Well done on looking after yourself first. You have probably inspired many others to take action. Not everybody who visits this forum, posts, due to fear etc. But I can guarantee a positive ripple effect.

I'm sure some of our SR peeps who live in your State can continue to give you the right advice. You may find that once confronted by a sheriff etc he'll go quietly enough. Now is the time to start drafting up the job description for your new farm hand:

-young strapping stud
-must have no addictions or priors
-must have zero tolerance for aggressive drunks
-must have hand to hand combat experience or a deadly stare
​​​​​​.... Don't mean to make light of what you've gone through. But laughing is a natural detox. I'm so very, very proud of you my love. And I'm so proud of everyone on SR for giving you the support and courage to follow through.

Please keep in touch. God I love happy endings.

Zevin 09-22-2019 07:10 PM

I'm so glad you are away from him and SAFE. Great job! I hope you and your son get a good night of restful sleep.

Lost4Now 09-22-2019 07:14 PM

I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I read your posts this afternoon again as I was starting to get scared and question things... I regained strength by reading and realizing the absurdity I’ve been putting up with!

i should’ve wrote then, but I’m so afraid he would take my phone and read what I was doing, so I had to come here when I knew that wouldn’t happen, please understand!

I have not told my son anything yet. He is with his dad this weekend. I have to meet him after school tomorrow for an appointment, and we will go to dinner and I will tell him in person. He won’t come home bc he knows he has to go straight to appointment from school, as he needs to leave school 15 minutes early, but I’ll text him in the morning and just tell him, be sure NOT to go home first as he needs to hurry, and that he will be here and I won’t and that alone will keep him away - he hates him. He will mind. Unfortunately I’ve had to tell him to just go straight to his dads from school before, and it killed me - but did it for the best.

Yes I’m sure emotions will be a roller coaster in the coming days. I hope I can still check in even though I’m not dealing with an alcoholic anymore.

Hugs to all.

Lost4Now 09-22-2019 07:17 PM

Milano, you’re right. It does help to have humor and I do try to have it for so many situations. Thank you.

Thank you all so much, Your support and guidance has definitely been a life saver, and I do believe I mean this literally.

Lost4Now 09-22-2019 07:22 PM

I just took a 1/2 of a Xanax. I’ve had this prescription filled late February and still have 6 from 30 left. Lol. I feel this may be a good night to have one and see if I’ll rest.

Can I ask a question... has anyone experienced chronic pain from stress/anxiety? I’m hopeful maybe now this will ease up. I had cortisone injections on Friday and they helped immensely, but would love to never need another.

I have heard before that stress can cause lots of things, even illness.

suki44883 09-22-2019 07:27 PM

We definitely understand! You don't ever have to apologize to us. We are all just thrilled that you got away from him. Take care of yourself and your son, and the pups, of course! So very proud of you!

Milano58 09-22-2019 07:30 PM

Stress can manifest in many forms. I get terrible neck pain. I wouldn't be at all surprised if your body goes through a form of withdrawal from the trauma. Dinno if it's even called withdrawal. But I was told only yesterday by my reiki/masseuse that the body releases stress, pain, toxins in many ways.

Look after yourself. Your health, wellbeing is your priority. I did a lot of relaxing massages, reiki, inner child healing and meditation nightly. There's a beautiful heart coherence meditation. It's only 15mins by a US lady priest. It's so calming and you don't have to be religious but she just has such a calmness..this is it:

Ariesagain 09-22-2019 07:33 PM

I am so impressed with your badass self! Well done and I echo everyone’s relief.

Expect to have ups and downs, emotionally. I have no doubt there were good times with him. But they weren’t coming back; only more pain lay down that old road. Turn the corner, yes?

You have every right to end a relationship. You don’t have to explain it, rationalize it, excuse it or try to come to some mythical “closure.”
I would suspect he will try to contact you, so be prepared for that. You can just block him, which really is best. Rip off that Bandaid and move on.

Think how relieved your son will be!

Please, keep posting. You will need support...this isn’t easy...and you may help someone in a similar situation.


P.S. If worse comes to worst and you get maneuvered into a conversation, maybe just steer clear of the “whys” in general and the alcoholism in particular. He will defend his drinking to the bitter end and getting sucked into a dialogue about whether he’s really an alcoholic is a waste of good air. “Our relationship has run its course. Good-bye.”

fini 09-22-2019 07:37 PM

you did a hard and brave thing!

just thinking.....if you have any joint financial stuff, first thing tomorrow would be a good time to cancel those things.

Sasha1972 09-22-2019 08:17 PM

Just catching up with the forum after being away for a few days and was so glad to read your update. You really are BADASS! Good on you for leaving, and good on you for resolving to extract the leech from YOUR home. I think plenty of things will start falling into place for you now. Lots of hard work ahead, but you know you can do hard things. Brava!

LifeChangeNYC 09-22-2019 08:17 PM

Yes - I have posted a lot about the chronic pain I’ve suffered... some a direct result of anxiety and living with an abusive alcoholic. Other pain, unknown. It all relates somehow, I truly believe. Living in a toxic environment is truly damaging to one’s soul, well being and health. So relieved you’re safe.

trailmix 09-22-2019 11:53 PM

Just seeing this now and this is great news Lost4now!

Look at the courage. For someone with anxiety as well and having such fear, huge accomplishment.

You are much stronger than you think (and you probably felt much stronger before you ran in to Mr. Wrong). Well that is done and dusted now so you can start getting back to who you are!

Yes I’m sure emotions will be a roller coaster in the coming days. I hope I can still check in even though I’m not dealing with an alcoholic anymore.
Of course! You don't have to have an active alcoholic lurking in the background to post here. Post anytime you feel like it, please. Your experience and wisdom is always needed at SR and we are here for support for you too.

Yes, you are probably in shock right now and your emotions will fluctuate, but you will get through this.

Can I ask a question... has anyone experienced chronic pain from stress/anxiety? I’m hopeful maybe now this will ease up. I had cortisone injections on Friday and they helped immensely, but would love to never need another.
Yes. In fact up until a few weeks ago. I was in a very stressful situation and started having debilitating headaches/neck pain. Not your run of the mill headaches and almost daily.

I bought a new pillow, moved my mattress around, since the headaches almost always occurred in the morning (didn't really help, maybe a little bit).

Well, lo and behold if they haven't completely gone away since the stress eased up (knock on wood!!) That's just one example. I've experienced other things before. So yes, the body doesn't like being under stress and in fight or flight mode half the time and it shows. I think you will be surprised at how much better you feel over the next few weeks.

In the meantime, focus on yourself and your well-being. Don't worry too much, this will work out and you will be back on your farm before you know it, without this huge problem hanging over your head.

Since you have a few days, try to relax as much as possible and maybe even do something fun/nice for yourself.

PuzzledHeart 09-23-2019 04:46 AM

Argh! I thought I posted something last night but it didn't go through!

Please don't apologize for not updating us immediately. You don't owe us a minute-by-minute replay of your situation. Don't say sorry for taking steps to guarantee your safety - making sure XABF doesn't see you posting is a big one!

I'm so relieved that you're out of the house. Do follow up with the police and the DV people - you may have the instinct to drop it because you're out of immediate danger. At the very least, it'll be the first step in getting your house back.

Go you!

hopeful4 09-23-2019 06:38 AM

I just got to work and am catching up. Wow, I am SO PROUD of you!!! Keep moving forward, one step at a time.

Yes, I have had chronic stress cause me undue pain and angst, that is for sure. I just had a very long conversation with my doctor last week about that very thing. Stress can and will kill you if you leave it to it's own devices.

You can do this friend. Keep on taking good care of you and your son!

dawnrising 09-23-2019 08:22 AM

I just read it all, way to go! You and your son are safe, that is the most important thing. It can be uneasy settling into a less chaotic life - that sounds crazy I know. One day at a time- no contact one day at a time.Let the law handle the squatter. You are so much stronger than you even realize, what an inspiration you are to all of us but most importantly your son.

TropicalWinter 09-23-2019 08:35 AM

Cheering for you from Florida! I'm so glad you're out!

SmallButMighty 09-23-2019 10:26 AM

I've been away from the boards for over a week now as a vacation had me sans internet... but I have to say, the outcome of this thread has been by far my most favorite one to catch up on!

I know things are weird for you right now, but I am so glad you are safe. I was really, really concerned about your safety. Stay strong... everything will work out for the best. Lean on us when this new road gets bumpy!

I am so very proud of you!

P.S. And yes, emotional and mental strain has absolutely caused me physical pain, mostly in my neck/shoulder/upper back and in my feet.

Lost4Now 09-23-2019 10:33 AM

Thank you!!!!

No contact or attempted contact that I’m aware of. My dad has kind of taken this into his hands, as I was afraid he would do, but when I had my divorce years ago, he did the same thing. I think he enjoys doing it, so I let him. He’s in touch with my attorney (actually his, but she was mine too) and getting things set up. He’s told her I don’t want or need to be a part of it and to try and get it done without me having to be there. I know they were able to do a lot of it alone without me for the divorce.

I went to my doctor today, and he asked if he ever hit me, I sat there for a second - wanting to say No. I said Yes, he did - just once. He told me I shouldn’t say just once, once is too much. I agree. He wanted to call the police, he said I almost have to. I said I think that’s being taken care of by my attorney and parents. I’m not sure if he will end up calling or not. He told me it was great that I’m letting people know. The more who know, the more I’m protected.

What I’m afraid of is, retaliation. This scares the crap out of me. He has made up terrible accusations before that aren’t true just to scare me into not doing anything. For example, he’s said many times, if you ever call the cops on me, you’ll be sorry - I’ll have plenty to say. So, that is what is currently scaring me. I’ve never done anything to him - EVER. I have yelled and probably cursed at him but I’ve never done anything wrong to him. But I’m panicking today.

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