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honeypig 06-12-2016 05:44 AM

June 12
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
- Alexander Pope

Keep It Simple

At my very first Al-Anon meeting the topic was "Keep It Simple". I remember sitting there feeling disappointed about Al-Anon because it was not what I thought the meeting would be about. As the meeting went on, I started to hear comforting words and phrases that I took with me. Members shared how they kept their lives simple while living with the disease of alcoholism. I saw the calmness and peace in their faces and I wanted what they had.

As I moved through recovery in the Al-Anon program, I had learned to Keep It Simple and not to take life so seriously. I learned about choices that I have and became grateful for the tools I was so freely given. Most of all, I will always remember my first meeting on the topic of 'Keep It Simple' and a new outlook on life.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-13-2016 05:50 AM

June 13
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.
- Dalai Lama


A man once told Buddha, "I want happiness." The Buddha replied, ‘First remove the “I”; that is ego. Then remove the “want”; that is desire. And now all you are left with is Happiness.
- Anonymous

This reminds me that happiness is always a choice. The only things standing between me and happiness is my ego and the tendency to want to control my surroundings. Rather than deciding that the only way I can be happy is if I get my way, I can instead decide that I would rather be happy than right. While pain is inevitable, happiness, like suffering, is my choice.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-14-2016 08:19 AM

June 14
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

God can't give you anything new until you let go of the old.
- Heard in a meeting

Choices and Slips

I am not a perfect person.

Each day, I struggle with choices I make and sometimes even emotional slips that I fear I will regret. It isn't always easy to make a choice of opposite action when worked up during an argument or when I have surrendered to a struggle with my self-esteem.

When emotions run high, it feels good, for the moment, to unleash my hurt feelings, to let the tears flow or to say all of the angry words that I have been holding inside. However, as soon as I have finished "losing control", the shame and guilt that consumes me from acting as my shadow self instead of taking the moral high ground sets me into a worse spin. It often generates more poor choices followed by more emotional slips.

Feelings are not fact. And when I allow myself to be controlled by them, I tend to make decisions that do not bode well for me or the people I care about. It is hard for me to forgive myself in these moments where I lack self-control but it is imperative to my spiritual growth to do just that, and work towards making a better choice tomorrow.

Dear God, help me to forgive myself when I make mistakes. Help me to learn from my choices and my actions.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

Bekindalways 06-14-2016 09:05 PM

Argh Honeypig, this one hits so very close to home. Acting out of the hurt darkness of myself and then the immense shame. Not good at forgiving myself.

honeypig 06-14-2016 09:17 PM

BKA, this is a direct hit for me too. Pretty much every single word of it.

honeypig 06-15-2016 06:21 AM

June 15
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

- Mother Theresa

Hitting Bottom

There’s freedom in hitting bottom, in seeing that you won’t be able to save or rescue your daughter, her spouse, his parents, or your career, relief in admitting you’ve reached the place of great unknowing. This is where restoration can begin.
Anne Lamott, "Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers"

The paradox of admitting powerlessness, of recognizing that I’ve hit bottom, is that it gives me power if I choose to use it. As Lamott goes on to say, “when you’re still in the state of trying to fix the unfixable, everything bad is engaged… It’s exhausting, crazy-making.” When I admit I cannot do what I’ve been trying to do, I can use the energy I’ve been wasting to a more productive purpose. When I recognize that I can’t do it alone, I can ask for help. The power that I gain is no small thing—it is the basis of my recovery, and all the rest flows from that small beginning: “I can’t do it! I need help!”

From this point of powerlessness, Lamott launches us into the first prayer: “Help!” So did I, when I accepted the first step, that I was powerless and that my life was unmanageable. I moved into Step 2, and came to realize that help was available from a power greater than myself if I would only ask for it.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-16-2016 06:37 AM

June 16
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

The way some people find fault, you'd think there was a reward.
- Heard in a meeting


I wasn't exactly brought up in one of those Norman Rockwell paintings you used to see on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post.
- Reggie Jackson

We have many myths about other people's lives. When we compare ourselves to these stories, we come up short. We have the TV families in our minds. We may have stories our father told about his moment of glory and how he met his challenges. Any of these images selects part of the truth and highlights it, creating a myth that might be worthwhile if we don't take it too literally.

Living a real life never feels as serene as our fantasies. A myth lifts us up, carries us away to other possibilities, but we should always take it with a grain of salt. Recollections or a Norman Rockwell painting romanticize a piece of reality by omitting the drudgery and confusion of life. Myths are meant as inspirations, not as measurements of our lives.

The difficulties and confusion I feel may just be part of real life. Serenity comes when I accept the mixture that real life is.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-17-2016 07:32 AM

June 17
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

The essence of compassion is accepting others as unique individuals, without believing that they are less good for not being carbon copies of ourselves.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Love Who You Are

Learn to love who you are, even as newer versions of you emerge.
– Heard in a meeting

Change can be wonderful, but it can also be frightening. One of the things that makes it hard for me to let go of my character defects is that I fear what my life will be like without it. I may not like my defects, but they are familiar. If I change, will I still be me? What kind of me will I be?

With the help of my Higher Power, I am learning to love myself as I am today, and to have confidence that I will love myself as I am tomorrow.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-18-2016 05:14 AM

June 18
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

Joy is a choice - but it isn't an easy choice. It is nearly a certainty that some of your expectations will not be met today. Choose joy anyway.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie


... put our efforts where we can succeed.

The appeal of a "fix" tempts us. One day we dream, "If only I had a different job my life would be happy, or if only I had a different house." Perhaps we even dream of having a different partner. When we waste so much precious energy on trying to change something or someone outside ourselves, we usually end up alone, unhappy, or exhausted. It takes great effort and a long time to develop what we truly seek: love, self-acceptance, honesty, and peace of mind.

Fixing or changing our partner might appeal on the surface, but why not put our efforts where we can succeed? What can we change? Ourselves - by becoming less critical we build our honesty and self-worth.

Do I block my own growth when I focus on someone else's action?

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-19-2016 05:39 AM

June 19
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

The impulse to blame something or someone is foolishness. There is nothing to be gained in blaming, whether it be others or oneself.
- Epictetus

Seeing the Good

The beauty of our souls shines in many ways. The greatest of these is love.

In the spirit of loving kindness, every day a little ugliness is removed; our perspective on life grows broader and deeper.

In the spirit of love, our lives become fresher, our souls humbler. Evil seems to disappear, and we learn to distinguish the sinner from the sin.

Do I see the good in people?

Higher Power, let me walk in your love and see the good in all things.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-20-2016 06:47 AM

June 20
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.
- Joseph Campbell

Changing Focus

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened up for us.
- Helen Keller

Recently I noticed that when a change happens in my life (or doesn’t happen the way I want it to), I tend to focus on the negative when instead I could have chosen to look at the positive. For example, when the weather was beautiful and warm outside, I chose to be grumpy about how wet and muddy it was outside. Instead I could have been appreciative for the long, fun walks I could take with my dog. Today it dropped to below freezing outside and there are inches of snow on the ground overnight. Instead of being frustrated about how cold I was, I put on some gloves and my coat and played with my dog in the snow.

While I cannot choose what happens around me, I can choose how I behave and how I see it. Today, I choose happiness.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-20-2016 07:18 AM

This reading is so totally appropriate--it was a year ago to the day that XAH came down to dinner and announced that he'd never had more than a few days at a time sober over the past few years of "recovery." What was more important to me was that he said he'd never once asked for any help when he wanted to drink, just drank. We were separated at that point, but that was when I decided to finalize it into divorce. NOT a good time.

Literally a few days before this, I'd been offered a new job that paid more and carried benefits (old job had no benefits of ANY kind). So this WAS good...

Well, the job turned out to be VERY different than I'd been led to believe, and not in a good way. This was BAD. I was pretty unhappy about it for the first 6 months or so.

Then a few things changed at work, and a few things changed in my head, and now I'm really very content in a situation that I would have found at least somewhat unacceptable a year ago. So this is GOOD.

I feel like the story of the Chinese farmer...Good luck? Bad luck? All depends!

Here's a link to the story I'm talking about if you don't know it already: Good Luck? Bad Luck?

honeypig 06-20-2016 07:24 AM

Someone to fill in?
Good morning, SR friends. I'm looking for some help to cover 2 days of postings, as I'm going to be in Canada for my bro's wedding. The site I pull these readings from only shows the current day and past day, so I can't post in advance nor can I go back and catch up more than one day.

So what I'm looking for is someone to post this reading on July 1 and 2. I'll send you the link to the site w/the readings. Any takers?

dandylion 06-20-2016 07:45 AM

Love, love, love the story of the Chinese Farmer!
That one really makes you step back and think---from a different perspective

Makes one comprehend just how important that word "Perspective" is!!!

Thanks for this, honeypig.....this story is a keeper!


honeypig 06-21-2016 05:41 AM

June 21
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

If I feel depressed I will sing.
If I feel sad I will laugh.
If I feel ill I will double my labor.
If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.
If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.
If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice.
If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come.
If I feel incompetent I will think of past success.
If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.
Today I will be the master of my emotions.

- Og Mandino

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. - Seneca

When we reach a stressful time in our lives, our vision gets narrow. We fail to see the options and possibilities we have. If we give ourselves over to our worries and fears, our sight closes down even further. Finally, we reach the point of blindness to reality and to all the support around us. In our fearful blindness we say with conviction, "This is too difficult! There is nothing I can do."

Spiritual people strive to keep one eye on the horizon, even in a worrisome situation. They breathe deeply so they do not tighten up or close off their exchange with the world. They return to the relationship they have with their Higher Power, trusting the process to carry them through - and they open their eyes to quietly take in the possibilities before them.

Close to my Higher Power, I have a place of calm in the midst of difficulty. *I can see the possibilities and dare to act upon them.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-22-2016 06:23 AM

June 22
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

As we grow as unique persons, we learn to respect the uniqueness of others.
- Robert H. Schuller

Holding On

Sometimes in life it is good to hold on.

Sometimes by holding on, you can make it through to the end of a project, finish a class, make it until the end of the day, just by holding on.

Hold on and you've accomplished a positive goal.

But there are times in life when you feel you can't hold on. Trust me, you have to.

Sometimes you feel like you can't even get out of bed.

Sometimes you feel like you can't even get the simplest chores done.

Sometimes it feels like the pain you are walking through will never end.

Hold on.

It will get better. It will.

Just hold on. Get up and get yourself going.

Take one step at a time, one day at a time, one minute or one second at a time if necessary and hold on.

If you can keep going, it will get better.

Hold on when you feel that you are coming apart and you can't take one more minute of one more day.

Hold on. You can do it just a little longer. You can hold on.

Dear God, help me to hold on during this time of great stress. Help me to hold on and get through my day-to-day activities. Help me to hold on and stay in the moment, to accomplish one thing at a time by putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward. Help me to hold on.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-23-2016 07:15 AM

June 23
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
- Nelson Mandela

Roll Away the Stone

When life is difficult, when troubles press in on me, when nothing seems to be going right, I can easily retreat into isolation. Sometimes I just need the refuge, the security of darkness. Sometimes I just need to crawl under the covers and curl up in the warmth. And that is good.

But sometimes I am trying to hide from my problems, to stay numb and pretend that it will just go away. Pretend that by sticking my head in the sand, by hiding in the dark, by not looking at the pain, it won’t find me, and I will be safe.

I have found great strength and hope in the principle that Al-Anon is a “we” program. If I roll away that stone at the entrance to the tomb, if I bring my pain, my troubles and my problems into the light, if I share that from which I am hiding or which I would rather hide from with another person and with God, then I can find resurrection to the fullness of my life.

I am learning to push away the stone and to invite the light in.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-24-2016 04:14 AM

June 24
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

Just watch this moment, without trying to change it at all. What is happening? What do you feel? What do you see? What do you hear?
- Jon Kabat-Zinn

. . . I was taught that the way of progress is neither swift nor easy.
- Marie Curie

We are looking for progress, not perfection; however, we sometimes get lost or confused between the two. Expecting ourselves to be perfect at something we are only now learning is a familiar affliction. As we accept our humanness, we'll allow the mistakes that are a normal part of the process of living and learning - a process we call progress.

Our need to be perfect will lessen with time. And we can help ourselves break the old habits. Perfection and self-worth are not symbiotic, except in our minds. And it's a symbiosis that has done us a grave injustice. Breaking the old thought patterns takes a commitment. We must first decide and believe that we are worthwhile, simply because we are. There is only one of us; we have a particular gift to offer this world. And our being is perfect as is. Affirming this, repeatedly, is our beginning. But with this, too, progress will be slow; perfection need only be worked for, not achieved.

The patterns I am weaving with my life are complex, full of intricate detail and knots. I need to go slow, taking only one stitch at a time. With hindsight I will see that whatever the progress, it was the perfect fit to the overall design.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-25-2016 05:33 PM

June 25
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.
- Marianne Williamson


To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
​ - Henri Bergson

Spirituality is about change.Why? Because spirituality is about life, and life is always changing. To resist change is to resist life, and this involves God. When we resist change, we are resisting God. When we understand that God is alive in each of us, then resisting change is self-defeating. Opportunity, growth, prosperity, and peace are all necessarily connected with change; therefore, to resist change is to say no to the dynamic rhythm in life. God is inviting us to dance in life, to play in life and to take risks. Change is the music to this dance.

I am happy today because I joyously embrace change.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 06-26-2016 06:34 AM

June 26
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

God doesn't require you to succeed, he only requires that you try.
- Mother Theresa

Stop Fixing Others

When I am overly dependent on others, I try to fix them. I have a real talent in pinpointing what is wrong with other people. But the very thing that enables me to see their defects most often blinds me to the same and sometimes even worse shortcomings in myself.

Help me stop fretting about others and instead focus on correcting my own character defects.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

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