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Dontreallycare 10-23-2015 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by honeypig (Post 5611519)
That really IS a blessing, DRC! I'm sad b/c the farmers' markets are about to end their season by me; I envy you the ability to have real live veggies year round.

It's not a lot of variety, mostly just the cold weather veggies. But if I can still have radishes, lettuce and swiss chard in the middle of winter, I'll take it!

FireSprite 10-23-2015 08:09 AM

KTF - The Brene Brown audio I'm doing refers a lot to Neff's work regarding self-compassion. Thanks for the link! (and yes, for any of you wondering, I may have stumbled into a Brene addiction.... I've now read 3 of her books in a row & it is remarkable how much her work has impacted my life - many books & blogs & pieces shared through SR have resonated with me & touched me but her work has made the biggest impact so far.)

Day #16 - So that's my happy for today - the shared resources of this place & it's members. They are all a part of the baby-steps that I need & continue to need to grow in my own recovery.

firebolt 10-23-2015 08:31 AM

Day 16 - Happy to go hunting. Not really - I hate shooting something...but I like meat. And the worst that will happen is that I'll take the gun for a nice, long, brisk walk, and I am happy for that too.

honeypig 10-23-2015 08:43 AM

October 23: Grateful for being the daughter of bankrupt dairy farmers. It made me determined to never go that road myself, and as a result, I've never gotten into unmanageable debt. For me, the answer to needing more money was never to borrow, but to find some combination of ways to spend less and earn more, and I owe that to watching my folks sink under a mountain of loans that could never, never have been paid back unless they struck oil under one of the fields.

Added to that, grateful for my controlling characteristics (which Alanon and other recovery work has shown me how to use for good and not evil...!). Between this and the prior gratitude item, even though XAH spent a TON of our money over the years w/o my knowing it, I am still fortunate enough to have all I really need. It could have been so much worse, it surely could have.

Thankful to be debt free and working!

Kboys 10-23-2015 08:59 AM

Happy I made it to my Al-anon meeting. It had been many weeks... so glad to have gotten back, and hope to be able to keep making it on Thursday nights.
Happy it's Friday!

Liveitwell 10-23-2015 10:45 AM

Happy for rain! Hopeful it won't flood but looking forward to a weekend spent in pajamas and hanging with the two coolest kids :) grateful to have Gods grace to speak firmly out of love and not anger.

ladyscribbler 10-23-2015 01:02 PM

Grateful for my washing machine. The old girl's been working some serious overtime this week and I'm glad I'm not having to haul my laundry down to the river and beat it against a rock to keep my kids in clean clothes and bedding.

healthyagain 10-23-2015 04:14 PM

#15 Grateful for the chicken soup I made yesterday. Grateful that I can just sit back in my chair and relax.

peacelovesober 10-23-2015 05:31 PM

#1........Happy that AH is in rehab and I can get some time to decompress and make some decisions with out the constant stress. Super Happy for my spiritual growth and the new enthusiasm for spiritual food.

IndigoBreeze 10-23-2015 05:36 PM

Beautiful Fall Weather
It is so lovely out, I am taking a break from the paperwork that is giving me fits. Happy to be reading this thread, especially due to said paperwork! Grateful that I am up for a new job. Grateful to HAVE a job! :thanks

ladyscribbler 10-24-2015 10:23 PM

Grateful for a fun day with DS6. Went to a birthday party, made a volcano, cuddled on the couch. Good times.

minime13 10-24-2015 10:47 PM

Grateful that SE Texas isn't getting the amount of rain predicted. Grateful that the tree branch that fell and knocked a power line loose only caused a 2 hour power outtage and not any destruction of property. Grateful that we're getting rain we need (even if the trend has been for it to all come at once lately). Grateful for a warm, snuggly bed and a peaceful night's rest that is coming up in a few moments.

honeypig 10-25-2015 03:41 AM

October 24: Thankful for my dogs. They are so very dear to me! They are so good, and like the prayer says, Lord, help me be half the person my dog thinks I am.

RRRROOF and rowrrr, my little ones...

Uplifting 10-25-2015 05:21 AM

Grateful for the little coffee shop that opened steps from my apartment, so days like this when I am out and want to indulge myself it is right there :)

CodeJob 10-25-2015 05:34 AM

I had a really lovely time with DS on vacation! I am thankful I could go and afford it. My parents came too and I'm thankful they were healthy enough to travel and enjoy themselves at their pace. On my last morning I had a nice run and enjoyed the different views.

When I got home, I unpacked and put the suitcases away immediately. I tried to be easy on myself coming back online at the usual pace. Some things got a little muddled the rest of the week, but each day I just pressed on with improvement rather than perfection. I tried to work on some different tasks so I got some organizing and cleaning done at work.

Also I read Game of Thrones and got sucked into the fantasy series. I am grateful to be reading some fiction. I got seriously tired of self help all the time!

And finally, Adele. Her voice gives me goosebumps. Her new song released this past week and I listened to it at work in amazement.

healthyagain 10-25-2015 08:22 AM

#16 & 17
A very good weekend, and can hardly wait for Halloween! Yesterday was my divorce monthiversary, and it is amazing what I did in a month. So relaxed and happy.

ladyscribbler 10-25-2015 09:00 AM

Grateful for the opportunity to attend an open AA meeting last night. The Saturday night group had a member celebrating 20 years sobriety. His actual anniversary date was last week, but his mom passed away so it was postponed.
It was a really emotional night, his sister and his nieces and nephews all stood up and spoke.
Sometimes I get cynical about alcoholism, given the situation with my ex. It's nice to be reminded of the hope for genuine recovery, and see that there are people who truly do embrace life.

honeypig 10-25-2015 09:51 AM

Originally Posted by ladyscribbler (Post 5614090)
Sometimes I get cynical about alcoholism, given the situation with my ex. It's nice to be reminded of the hope for genuine recovery, and see that there are people who truly do embrace life.

Agreed, ladyscribbler--it's heartening to see just how good it can be for those who chose to make it so.

honeypig 10-25-2015 12:15 PM

October 25: Grateful for the jackpot of yarn at Goodwill today! Bunches of wool yarn, 99 cents to 1.99 a skein! Also a fair amount of wool strips for making braided rugs--I'd been thinking about doing 2 chair pads for my kitchen chairs, since a rug is a bit of a large project for a beginner, I think.

What a find--doesn't look like HP wants me to have "idle hands", does it?

Kimmieh 10-25-2015 12:23 PM

Grateful for this forum <3

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