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Freedom1990 06-19-2010 09:09 AM

No offense taken at all. If you know of any good information on the internet in regards to yoga, I'm game. I don't have any money for DVD's or books, but if there are pictures of how to do it, I'll give it a whirl! I live in a little podunk town of 3000 where there are no yoga classes.

I'm going to contact Vo-Rehab about getting a new orthopedic cushion next week. This one's got to go! :lmao

I think a lot of the heavy heart is because any time my mother has really gotten angry with me, she refuses to talk to me. She pulled that crap for 6 months when I was pregnant with Amber.

When Amber does the same thing, I think the old pain from Mom comes up too with the current pain. :(

Does that make any sense?

Learn2Live 06-19-2010 10:38 AM

Heck yeah that makes sense!! How frustrating! I remember having to learn not to REACT to situations in the early days of my Recovery. Nowadays that has translated into having to learn to let others not react too. Sometimes I get so angry at someone else, I have to walk away or else I KNOW I will explode. Maybe try to think of it that way? That she isn't necessarily refusing to talk to you but that she needs some time to let something pass in order not to explode. IDK, not condoning the behavior, just trying to make it feel a little easier for you? I read an author once who kept repeating, "Expect the best possible motivations in others." That helps me a lot to keep my thinking on track, which in turn helps me to deal with other people a little better. This too shall pass, right? I am sorry it is a trigger for you.

I don't know of any websites that teach yoga but I'm sure if you google it, there will be video presentations :)

Still Waters 06-19-2010 07:09 PM

I think it's the moon phase, cause I'm right there with you Freedom.

Just a big ole poop sandwich going on here.

My computer did a total meltdown on me, so I've been out of work for 48 hours. I don't get paid unless I produce.


Hang in there!

Jadmack25 06-19-2010 07:31 PM

Tried to get my late XAH, who had awful migraines to follow this told "no way", and he had them for next 30 plus years.

As soon as you feel a migraine coming on, put feet in water as HOT as you can stand it, and an ice pack on your head. I have used frozen peas for this.

The trick is to get the head cold and feet hot ASAP, before headache gets full blown.

Had this idea from doctor when I had cluster migraines and demented after constant pain for near on a month, it worked for me, and has for lots of others.

Hope it works for you.

God bless

isurvived 06-19-2010 07:49 PM

I also have degenerative disc disease (probably everyone over 50 does I hear)... but I've tried all things, except surgery. Nothing helped. Then my cousin (who is an MD suggested I try one of those inversion tables. He said he's had patients rave about how much better they were after using them. So, I checked with my doctor and got the OK. I bought one.

I use it 10 minutes at a time, twice a day. After 3 days I noticed an improvement. After a week of this routine, I was impressed! My back pain isn't gone entirely, but it's a good 75% better! I guess hanging upside down allows the discs to get some relief. By golly, it works! I sit all day at my job. Hard to do with a low back ache. This table has helped me so much. It was about $200, and worth it. (or you can go to a chiropractor and use their machine which they have a fancy name for... it does the same thing, and each time you pay! Ha. Better to buy one.

Freedom1990 06-19-2010 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by Still Waters (Post 2630259)
Just a big ole poop sandwich going on here.

My sponsor says some days are just a big sh*t sandwich, and you have to decide how much to bite off! I'm sorry about your computer. That sucks.

My last one got hit by lightning (took out the phone and answering machine too) just before I was supposed to start summer classes. Needless to say, I didn't start till fall that year!

Jadmack, I've written down your new tip for migraines. I'm game for anything these days!

posiesperson 06-19-2010 08:51 PM


One thing that helped to get me through school: remember the time-limited nature of it all. I was SO burned out near the end of school that I thought I couldn't possibly do one more thing. Somehow, being closer to clinching that degree made it harder to press on, so I needed that simple reminder.

You can do this, and you're almost there. The suggestions posted here were oh-so-helpful for me, too, even though I'm not in school anymore. Thanks for giving a shout for needing support.


catlovermi 06-20-2010 03:30 AM

When I was going through my intensive education, I would also have periods of depression and panic. The thing is, I knew I wasn't likely to flunk, but I had put so much pressure on myself to excel.

I trained myself to chant silently in my head, "all things PASS with time... this, too, shall PASS..." when I started to spin out of orbit.

I had to step back and remind myself that in five years, the important thing would be that I PASSED, not exactly what grade I got.

It was a double entendre - pass, as in passing grade, and pass, as in this awful time will pass and become history and I'll be away from it.

I just had to remind myself of this. To this day, I remember marching off to classes, with a feeling of black doom, chanting this in my head, and it was JUST keeping me from bolting in a panic. It was enough of a tool to get me through.

Well, it's more than five years later, and I passed. I think you will too. It's very hard, and sometimes just panicky, when you're in the middle of school stress, though.

Sending encouragement!

And doggie hugs for all the crew, how is the littlest one doing? At least you have a built in cheer leading squad when you come home!


Seren 06-20-2010 03:50 AM

(((((Dev))))) I'm so spectacularly proud of you for all that you do!!!! And I know from first-hand experience (being the "old lady" graduate student) just how stressful life can become when in school. I'm just now learning that I can't keep pushing myself without allowing for a bit of time here and there to relax, do something other than my research, breathe......

Please take care of you, Dev!!!! You and your work will be better for it! Huge hugs, HG

Learn2Live 06-20-2010 05:23 AM

How are you feeling today DeVon? I hope a little better. :ring

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