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transformyself 03-11-2010 10:53 AM

AH too drunk to pick up the kids from school
Well at least I"m not panicked. I"m not even surprised, really, But I am going to make sure this doesn't happen again.

I called him to give him a list of things to do at the school and he was so drunk he couldn't talk. Then, he started texting me crap about when we were dating, his resentments from 1995. I deleted them immediatly, and texted him that i would pick up the kids and to not show up at the school. If he does, I'll make sure the principal or teacher gets close enough to see he's drunk.

I re-arranged my schedule to get them myself.

I"m going to give a friend of mine who works at the school $50 today and ask her to be on call for times like this. She loves my kids, has kids their age, and has told me that she will watch them anytime.

And I called my old divorce attorney. She told me to dig up the divorce papers I filed August 2008 and we would use them. Guess I"ll find them after i get the kids, feed them, do their homework with them, put them to bed, clean the house, pack the lunches and THEN site down to work at this computer for 3 hours to make up for the work I couldn't do today.

Seriously, this BS with my A business partner and my AH has taught me at least one thing. I can't rely on them. Period.

Ceres 03-11-2010 11:02 AM


I might be you in maybe the not near future. Not being able to rely on him for squat as far even the kids go. So, I got my EYE on you. ;-)

SeekingBalance 03-11-2010 11:09 AM

I can't even imagine. I raised my kid 100% on my own. That is tough enough. I couldn't imagine allowing myself to depend on someone else, especially the other parent, and being let down consistently.

But - that said - I and many other single moms prove it can be done. But I must confess, it is so much easier without all the DRAMA!!

Sorry you are dealing with this. Sounds like you have a good plan though.


TakingCharge999 03-11-2010 11:34 AM

I"m going to give a friend of mine who works at the school $50 today and ask her to be on call for times like this. She loves my kids, has kids their age, and has told me that she will watch them anytime.

Now aren't these angels God sent your way?

transform, I know you can make it. Breathe. Can I complain in your thread?? I am overworked and need to take care of now 8 cats! receive the electrician at 530 and somehow leave work earlier to receive him. Then the house is a mess so at least I would like to clean up a little before he arrives.. but how? there is no electricity and I can't see well enough to find my broom lol. Then try and go to my dance lesson then come back to tend to the cats and partner who all feel I don't spend time with them...

One task at a time
One breathe at a time

Perhaps looking for the divorce papers can be done tomorrow when you are less stressed? the important thing is that you are taking the decision, I would say kids/work are more important. Perhaps look for them during the weekend?

stella27 03-11-2010 12:11 PM

I'm sorry, T.
I'm struggling with the "unreliable" myself and it stinks.
I think that's a great idea to enlist your teacher friend.

freefalling 03-12-2010 01:29 AM

This is such a progressive disease that most of us turn out to be alone - parents with no support from their other parent. There comes a time (without recovery) that you cannot rely on the chemically addicted parent whatsoever to be with your children. This sucks. In" normal divorce" cases there are 2 parents and responsibilities with children can be shared. The acceptance of this can be a driving force that moves us into a stronger recovery. It helped me when I realised that my children need me healthy - I have a responsibility towards them - not him. My STBXAH is a big boy !

transformyself 03-12-2010 02:32 AM

Thanks Guys.

Last night was a fiasco. I turned the phone off, he drove over here-drunk-and walked into my house. I got him out ASAP. He called the house phone land line repeatedly and when I didn't answer that he came back. My youngest, who has anxiety in general anyway, was crying that he was afraid Dad would die from drinking. Then he was afraid he would die because AH let him have some beer at his house, but I gave him his Garfield book and he felt better.

I finally got AH out of my house, told him we would talk tomorrow when he's sober and he swore at me and said, "when you aren't visably stoned around the kids you can judge me," which I assume he means when I'm stoned from the drugs I take when I have endometriosis. I dunno. Isn't that funny? That I actually try to understand what he means? Silly girl.

At least I don't feel hooked in or sorry for him. Thank God!

But I do feel like the using A's in my life are spiraling out of control. Just found out our A business partner will be at the mediation we set up the the lawyer Monday morning. He wasn't coming, then he wouldn't return our calls. I had the lawyer call him and he gave him the whole list of how we've wronged him, that he now doessn't want to let go of the paper, but he'll do it if we buy him out for ten thousand dollars. Which is absurd. Really. Matt (the lawyer) asked if he would buy us out for the same and he said no.

When I first started working with him, in November, he told me he was under so much stress that he'd started drinking again after 12 years. Why didn't I run then? Why didn't I at least put two and two together and expect this madness with him?

I've thought about that a lot over the last few days during this bs drama with him. I think it's denial, yes, but my denial is narcisisstic. I think, well that's his problem, not mine and I"ll just leave him to deal with it.

Next time I'll run for the hills.

nodaybut2day 03-12-2010 07:28 AM

ugh Transformie...I just wanted to send you *hugs* for dealing with all this b.s.

Insulated 03-12-2010 07:43 AM

Do you have concerns about AH picking up the kids and driving under the influence with them in the car? This episode is really divine intervention in that you knew in advance he was too drunk to pick up the kids. In the future, you may not be so lucky.

AlwaysGrowing 03-12-2010 08:49 AM


I know I had to just move on like my wife isn't here to help anymore and I took control of all the kids arangements. Having a sober wife around was a bonus but not counted on. Doing that helps keep my anger(expectations) in check. It does 100% suck having to do this but peace of mind is around more since I've done this as I don't have to worry about my 7 year old waiting at school crying because mommy passed out and never picked her up.


Sting 03-12-2010 02:52 PM

I have the same concern with my wife picking up our kids every day. I know that she has picked them up when she was drinking. I could tell from texts and phone calls. I don't know how to handle this. Do I tell the teachers to watch it? She was drinking (secretly) at a playgroup last Friday and one of the wives had to call me to tell me she was driving our kids and my wife home. She was not aware of her problem until that day. I worry daily about drinking and driving. Any advice? Call police, teachers, who else?

Freedom1990 03-12-2010 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by Sting (Post 2540011)
I have the same concern with my wife picking up our kids every day. I know that she has picked them up when she was drinking. I could tell from texts and phone calls. I don't know how to handle this. Do I tell the teachers to watch it? She was drinking (secretly) at a playgroup last Friday and one of the wives had to call me to tell me she was driving our kids and my wife home. She was not aware of her problem until that day. I worry daily about drinking and driving. Any advice? Call police, teachers, who else?

Before my youngest daughter moved out, there was one incident where she came home visibly drunk. She got something out of her room, and back out the door she went and got in her car. I was so stunned that I just stood there.

I told her the next day (she never came back that night) if she ever EVER got in her car after drinking again, I would not hesitate to pick up the phone and call the police.

I would never be able to live with myself if I knew she were driving under the influence, I did nothing, and she ended up killing herself and/or others.

Freedom1990 03-12-2010 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by transformyself (Post 2539502)
My youngest, who has anxiety in general anyway, was crying that he was afraid Dad would die from drinking. Then he was afraid he would die because AH let him have some beer at his house, but I gave him his Garfield book and he felt better.

Am I reading this correctly in that your AH gave your son beer while he was at his house for visitation? Please tell me I'm wrong.

barb dwyer 03-12-2010 03:39 PM

Hi Sting - welcome! why not put your concerns on a new thread and meet us there? I hope we can get to know you better there!

coffeedrinker 03-12-2010 04:04 PM

I encourage the calling of police if you know someone is driving under the influence - whether that someone be your child, your ex-spouse, or current spouse. In fact, Sting I would hope that I would see her get into a car intoxicated, so that I could make the call. If we cross our fingers and hope nothing bad will ever happen, or do things to get in the way of their consequences, it is just that much more difficult for everyone to really see there is really a problem.

Transform, are you locking the doors of the house at all times - whether you're there or not? Does he have a key? If so, what if you changed the locks? (I know, I know, you're not divorced yet)

When it rains, it pours.

Jadmack25 03-12-2010 05:12 PM

Jesus Wept!!!

What with dad's and mum's too drunk to know what end is up, but happy to drive their precious kids around in a car, Transform's nutcase materializes like the darn Cheshire Cat, having driven over there drunk, accuses HER of drug use, and her son freaks out because dad once gave him a bit of beer...

And people watch Days of our Lives for excitement? For sheer drama, real life with an A knocks those shows off the radar.

The wonder is that anyone involved with some of the folks I hear of here, isn't totally demented by living with such stupidity and chaos, and that they can actually get to where they take action for their own and their loved one's sakes.

I am grateful that I never had to deal with a drunk and kids, and do not have anything like this to face, and I have such respect and admiration for those who are trying to cope with this nightmare.

Thank God, for SR and the listening, help and support this site gives.

God bless

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