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Sobertaurus 04-26-2016 07:03 AM

Tonight's Sobriety Plan?
I know a lot of us are in our first several days, so, what is the plan for tonight?

I'm thinking that I might stop on the way home and pick up an easy dinner (McD's anyone?) and head home, avoiding our finished basement where hubs and mother drink/smoke. I may just take my puppy and watch something good on Roku in my bedroom with a McMeal and play a silly android game on my phone while I do some e-bay shopping. Break up the evening with a nice walk of the doggie. Then, early sleep.

Basically try and do things that I'll really enjoy that are low anxiety.

What about you guys? :herewego

wildchild69 04-26-2016 07:08 AM

So I've got a lot of working out to do's my there's that.
Then tonight....well....
have you ever noticed the MESS after a binge??? I have a hubby and son....and when I binge then recover for 2 days....I literally do NOTHING but rest and think think think think think......until I pull myself out of the depression...
but the MESS omg... hahaha so tonight I am cleaning the heck up!!! Throwing the empty vodka bottles away.....catching up on laundry and making my environment the cleanest and healthiest it can be for my recovery.....
my hubs is a SLOB lol.... any clean freaks feels AMAZING to get the house cleaned up after a big mess, right??

so that's me..... and I need to order my darn bathing suit from victorias secret... great sales right now ;)

Sobertaurus 04-26-2016 07:11 AM

Thankfully my hubs isn't a slob and my youngest is 19, so I can take the night "off," but I certainly remember those days!

wildchild69 04-26-2016 07:11 AM

Oh another suggestion..... I don't know if you have Netflix or something like that... but find a show you absolutely LOVE...that you just zone out to....and let that be your you time...where you're totally entertained and wrapped up in it!!
don't know how to explain it...
only certain shows have done this for me...some silly abc family teenybopper soaps haha... and some awesome documentaries like planet life or even things like the dog whisperer haha .... just find that thing ....a great book a show.... and look forward to it... all day... and when you get sucked and realize how entertained and at peace you are... totally sober :)

Soberwolf 04-26-2016 07:12 AM

Sounds good wildchild we are having a chicken dinner and we are watching a film tonight

wildchild69 04-26-2016 07:13 AM

Oh gosh.... I hope one day I stop battling the war of manly messes....ugh! haha jk dudes...males and females are slobs and clean freaks alike

Jacks123 04-26-2016 09:56 AM

So far I haven't gotten out of bed yet. When I do I'll make some coffee and maybe play a video game. This evening I plan on going to the gym and having a healthy dinner. Catch up on some tv shows. I need to find a new daily routine. My routine was so important the first 2.5 months I was sober, and I need to get it back.

thomas11 04-26-2016 02:33 PM

My 3 staples of sobriety for evenings is my computer, my TV and my wife. I'm either reading something, listening to a sports game or talking with my wife. Its a must, boredom is the enemy. Keep it going, your doing great.

Fly N Buy 04-26-2016 03:13 PM

Tonight's plan is to go to a meeting and share with other alcoholics our experience, strength and hope.

Before bed I'll review my day taking stock of interaction with the world, where I fell short and how I may improve tomorrow. Doing this helps me be clear of resentments and regrets.

I will conclude the day with prayer, and mediation founded in gratitude.

Tomorrow I will continue on this path...........
However, I am really thinking about tossing a Big Mac and Fish filet in there are well!!! :)

Regardless of what we do, there is one thing we can all agree on that works - don't pick up that first drink.

Behappy1 04-26-2016 03:59 PM

Great thread! I am at day one again. Had almost 2 months (with 2 days drinking - so not really 2 months). I know that when I woke up yesterday I didn't have the plan to drink. I've realized that I need to have a plan every day. Evenings are worst part for me. Tonight I am not doing much - I am exhausted from yesterday. I have spent today thinking, reflecting and planning.

Wild child - I too am a neat freak and I understand 100% about what a binge can do to a household mess. Mine is a mess, but I am just to tired to worry about it. It will still be there tomorrow.

wildchild69 04-26-2016 04:41 PM

Glad I'm not a lot done today and the mess cleaned ;)

FlynBuy- that's a great plan...I need to practice something like that for letting go of resentment and regrets! I love that McDonalds still does the Monopoly game :)

Dee74 04-26-2016 05:11 PM

All good ideas, but a good plan needs to be a little more that simply keeping busy I think.

If anyone hasn't seen this link I recommend it :)

Sobertaurus 04-26-2016 05:57 PM

So many great ideas! Tonight is going well here, and going to go to bed early. :)

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