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Cow 08-09-2015 05:25 PM

Well I on west coast, so unless you car super fast, I not think was you. I not actual will ride bike on the streets anymore.

How is you going? I still not feel good and is becoming Grumpy Cow. If only somebody would pay me millions just to frown! That stupid cat got nothing on me!

walkbeformakrun 08-09-2015 05:32 PM

I'm ok, thanks. Interesting about grumpy/boring sober people. I asked my friends to come over for dinner. One of them said, "do you have your drink on?" She was not interested to come to diner at my place unless I was drinking.

Cow 08-09-2015 05:40 PM

Uh, that is no you friend! Sure, my friends is kind of avoid me right now, but never would they sabotages me with such talk.

There need to be restaurant for boring grumpy sober people. Everything is table for one. And is facing the wall, so we can stares at it. And all waiters is trained NOT to smile, or, God forbids, be perky.

walkbeformakrun 08-09-2015 06:57 PM

Table with chair facing the wall, sounds great! No need to make eye contact or small talk. I love it!

Oh, yes my cars are all fast. Not that I drive like that anymore.

In defense of my friend, I know I'm not good company sober. I'm so boring sober that I don't want to have dinner with myself either.

fini 08-09-2015 07:03 PM

what might be perfect for you two are the eat-in-total-darkness restaurants.

fini 08-09-2015 07:17 PM,d.cGU

OMG, the original one is called Blindekuh.

Cow 08-09-2015 07:18 PM

That had to be weirdest fad ever, excepting for maybe designer grunge clothings.

Lenina 08-09-2015 07:28 PM

Walkies, you're not boring here and you're sober, why would you be boring in real life? I think while we were drinking we get used to being more chatty. It takes some time to re socialize us.

Give yourself some time. Once you start taking an interest in outside things, you might be more up for conversations. It took me a while and I was more or less forced into it due to my job.

I think having a few safe subjects, like sports or books or wildlife matings is helpful.

Love from Lenina

walkbeformakrun 08-09-2015 07:55 PM

Wildlife matings! Lol! Yes, that will be the subject that draws people to my next dinner party. I do happen to know a lot about wild life and their mating habits.

Cows for example, did you know they like ...... Um well that's a topic for a different website. fB.

Soberwolf 08-10-2015 12:40 AM

Good morning Cow have a nice day

Quirky 08-10-2015 10:48 AM

Hi Cow,
Nothing exciting to add to the conversation..just joining in to check on you.
I have started a green juice only diet for breakfast and lunch. Trying to fight off Father Time and lose weight. Surely having such an untasty thing twice a day has to be good for you. As long as I can look forward to a "normal" dinner, I think I can make it. We'll see...
Just really tired of the weight loss battle..
Have you ever done the juicing thing?
Anyhoo, take care of yourself Cow.

Cow 08-10-2015 03:48 PM

Thank you Wolfie, how you going?

RTDB, Yes, I has does the juicing. I buy super expensive cold press juicer and all kind of vitamin rich veg and was so much look forward to unbounded health ...and, I end up having 4 surgery on my eyes! This not normal experience, of course, but I delicate flower/snowflake/runt of litter/etc. What I discover is veg like spinach and kale and all these thing, while healthful, also have what is call anti-nutrients in them. These is the things that make pests no want to eats them. Anyway, juicing concentrate these "toxins," and my body found easiest way to get rid of onslaught was via cysts in my eyelids. It take me long time to figure out what in hell was go on, but as soon as I stop juicing, problem stop and never return. I remember to be so bummed cuz once more, I trying so hard to a thing good for self and it backfire on me. Anyways, if you juice, not do lot of bitter greens, and go easy.

Tooshabby 08-10-2015 04:10 PM

Oh cripes, you poor thing, Cow! I was going to suggest the same thing, but it turns out even the veges are out to get you?! (Well, it must feel a bit like that). Blimey :-/

silentrun 08-10-2015 06:52 PM

I did not know that about spinach. You are one hot mess Cow. Cysts on the eyelids?

Cow 08-10-2015 07:10 PM

Spinach have the oxalates. Yes, I has to have cysts lasered off my eyelids. While awake. Four times! Was like freaking Clockwork Orange torture, only no movies or pretty music.

Anyways, enough horror story about Cow. What can we speak of that more bouyant? Anyone? No? Nothing? Ay yi yi. Dee gonna has to put disclaimer on this thread. "Warning: Do not enter if you prone to depressions!"

I needs to put my positive pants on. And then punches self in face for saying "positive pants."

puffy 08-10-2015 07:20 PM

Funny, I just started juicing today to get all those good vitamins to boost my immunity system. Instead, I broke out into some crazy rash. The rash developed right were they put my port in. Coincidence? I do know that I have to be extremely careful of fruits and vegetables. They need to be washed and so forth.

Gilmer 08-10-2015 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by Cow (Post 5505790)

I needs to put my positive pants on. And then punches self in face for saying "positive pants."

Just as long as you don't get perky!

Cow 08-10-2015 07:26 PM

I just say this, fruit and veg pale, PALE, in comparison to most nutritious food, which is ....liver. I know, I know. Just sucks it up and eat some. You only need couple ounces per week.

Nutrition Density Challenge: Fruit vs. Beef Liver | Free The Animal

I think I has to pass "remotely positive" to gets to "perky," Glimmer.

Quirky 08-10-2015 07:49 PM

Wow, thanks for the heads up Cow. I don't know a thing about the anti-nutrients you mentioned. I guess I better do some research before I get myself in trouble. I do know that cold press is the way to go versus the standard juicers, other than that I'm pretty clueless about this whole juicing thing.
I hear you about the liver....I'll have to sneak up on that..
Seriously though, thanks very much for the info, I really appreciate it.
Gotta say, you are one smart Cow..

Cow 08-10-2015 08:06 PM

Yes, well, I just glad my many, many --many-- attempt to do thing that suppose to help self, but then which backfire and spits in my face, can now at least be helpful informations to other.

Hey that was little bit positive, yes?

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