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trachemys 10-09-2014 06:38 PM

Extraordinarily is the word.

Cow, imagine if you will, one turtle sitting by a brook. This turtle's brain is enjoying some high quality LSD, made with loving care by professional chemists. It's the real stuff. In order not to get too twitchy, turtle is sipping from a bottle of mescal, Monte Alban to be precise. A nice mellow night with some friends, down by the creek.

That's when my brain lost all contact with my body. You want to talk anhedonia? I had no feeling of any kind. No physical sensation. A disembodied brain.

I told the people that I was with what was happening. Being as stoned as I was, they didn't really react. So there I was. I was able to ask what time it was. When I finally reconnected, I asked again. 43 minutes had passed.

So, bad idea.

Cow 10-09-2014 06:51 PM

I not has to imagine disembodied brain with no feeling. I has that everyday. 25,754,400 minutes has passed.

Okay I still has motor control, but you know what I meaning.

trachemys 10-09-2014 06:54 PM

Doubly bad idea, then.

courage2 10-09-2014 07:30 PM

I did my fair share of various hallucinogens. My brain was still developing at the time, I was in my early teens, and it's impossible to say if they permanently affected me, maybe. I know enough people whose full-blown or underlying mental instability grew dangerous & extreme after using hallucinogens to recommend them to anyone for spiritual or recreational purposes. There's always the chance you won't come back. My cousin jumped off a roof in Mexico City. End of cousin.

courage2 10-09-2014 08:01 PM

Hmm.... I b'lieve I meant to write "not" to recommend hallucinogens. That's twice lately somethings gone 180 degrees away from me. Or do I mean 360? I'm all turned around, and I'm not even standing on my head any more.

ESD907 10-09-2014 08:02 PM


trachemys 10-09-2014 08:05 PM

cou, I just call it "gone wonky"

courage2 10-09-2014 08:09 PM

Maybe my problem is that I'm in Florida. I think. I'm really still in some kind of airport zone.

How are you, Lorraine?

Lenina 10-09-2014 09:17 PM

Hi Lorraine! How are you doing?

Love From Lenina

Gilmer 10-10-2014 02:01 AM

Welcome back, Lori!

neferkamichael 10-10-2014 02:11 AM

Yea welcome back Lori. :egypt:

ESD907 10-10-2014 07:26 AM

I read the last 4 posts and thought I was nuts. I went looking past my HI post. I was looking for hidden meaning...for blackout posts.......and you I found none. I was so relieved. I looked at the date...OK..I"M OK . So today is alright.. I was out fertizilizing...iTS a big deal. And I got a text (I hate this crap)...saying..MY HOMEWORK is by the pool,...GET IT> so I went to school wearing 'bug garb'...imagine someone from the cdc. THEY know me at this school, so I showed my face, they 'let' me in. I dropped his HW off. so I"m like, I'm in town, may as well run to Target for a few things..PEOPLE don't like to see you in my state of dress anymore. WHEN I was a kid it was 'normal'. This 1 woman at the deli counter was looking me up/down. I had rubber boots and a stupid hat on. We farmers are a lost breed it seems nowadays...especiallly at the deli counter. .

SoberLeigh 10-10-2014 07:31 AM

Hi, Lorraine; welcome back.

biminiblue 10-10-2014 08:03 AM

Cow, I had enough encounters with stuff in the 70s to know that it never went well for me. I kept trying different things.

I didn't find a shamanic presence in my trips. I just found fear and emptiness and visual distortions and there is no way to speed up the sobering up process. Being stuck in one of those states of mind for 8-10 hours is torturous. Other people could ride 4x4s into the swamp. I was afraid to go outside. So, my recommendation would be no, as well.

My ex husband took LSD for 30 days in a row. He was pretty messed up - didn't know him beforehand, though.

ESD907 10-10-2014 08:48 AM

guys..I just posted something..and Its not going to go over well.

SoberLeigh 10-10-2014 08:56 AM

You may have time to edit it, Lorraine, if you want to; there is an edit button and I think you have 15 minutes.

Cow 10-10-2014 09:09 AM

I know bimi, I not want to trip. I very scared of that. But some peoples is using micro-dose of mushrooms to lift mood, like sub-trip, anti-depressant strength dose. This maybe have merit or not. Lot more research to do.

I know anything risky for me, including Rx, supplements, and herbs, but I HAS to find something that will create better chemical soup situation in the brain. I has to find way to be in better mood, to laugh. And if anybody tell me to exercise or think positive, I will punches you ...but with open hoof, since I a lady.

Gilmer 10-10-2014 10:46 AM


Leshar 10-10-2014 11:36 AM

On waiting list for rTMS, but very very depressed and psych seeing me on Tuesday for instruction on self administered intranasal ketamine. Seems sort of hallucinogenic to me.
So tired of friends telling me to go for a walk.

SoberLeigh 10-10-2014 11:40 AM

All the best, Leshar, and hugs.

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