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dawnie24 02-29-2012 11:28 AM

Feel sick :(

Cindi74 03-02-2012 05:34 AM

I was always extremely thin while drinking. I drank Vodka with diet mixers and LOTS of it. And I barely ate and still made myself go to the Gym. I have wound up in ICU several times with dangerously low potassium, magnesium and very dehydrated, blood cells way out of whack since alcohol prevents your body from absorbing vitamins and causes severe deficiency . The last time I was there my Dr. sat down and told me I was killing myself "Seriously, like Nicholas Cage died in Leaving Las Vegas". Since I've quit I have gained weight and it bothered me at first b/c I was used to seeing a certain number on the scale but I am so much more healthier now and everyone tells me I look much better now also, most importantly I FEEL so much better.

DayTrader 03-02-2012 06:15 AM

I gained weight when I quit drinking...and I was already heavier than I wanted to be....

Gaining had nothing to do with the fact that I'd stopped drinking had everything to do with the fact that I acted like a slave to pleasure and once the pleasure of booze went away, I replaced it with the pleasure of eating. "Just stopping drinking" doesn't guarantee anyone they'll lose that unwanted weight.... you actually have to eat like a person who wants to lose weight and exercise like a person who wants to be healthy. ;)

dawnie24 03-02-2012 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by Cindi74 (Post 3304316)
I was always extremely thin while drinking. I drank Vodka with diet mixers and LOTS of it. And I barely ate and still made myself go to the Gym. I have wound up in ICU several times with dangerously low potassium, magnesium and very dehydrated, blood cells way out of whack since alcohol prevents your body from absorbing vitamins and causes severe deficiency . The last time I was there my Dr. sat down and told me I was killing myself "Seriously, like Nicholas Cage died in Leaving Las Vegas". Since I've quit I have gained weight and it bothered me at first b/c I was used to seeing a certain number on the scale but I am so much more healthier now and everyone tells me I look much better now also, most importantly I FEEL so much better.

Is that a film leaving las vegas?! - soz I'm half asleep

dawnie24 03-02-2012 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by DayTrader (Post 3304349)
I gained weight when I quit drinking...and I was already heavier than I wanted to be....

Gaining had nothing to do with the fact that I'd stopped drinking had everything to do with the fact that I acted like a slave to pleasure and once the pleasure of booze went away, I replaced it with the pleasure of eating. "Just stopping drinking" doesn't guarantee anyone they'll lose that unwanted weight.... you actually have to eat like a person who wants to lose weight and exercise like a person who wants to be healthy. ;)

Ill be walking tomorrow I'm taking my kids out on their bikes can't wait really excited

kcvalentine 03-02-2012 10:05 PM

I lost a bunch of weight when I quit drinking (almost six months ago). Just stopping the cycle made the pounds drop off without other changes. And now I couple it with yoga and pilates plus a healthy diet. The results have been amazing! I went from a US size 14-16 to a size 6...and plan on rocking a bikini this summer. I'm so much happier in every way now. And my anxiety is almost completely gone. Good luck to you along your journey! xo

MrDavid 03-02-2012 10:54 PM

Re:put on weight.
Put on weight? That’s an understatement. Before I sobered up I was 200 pounds and in the best shape of my life. Since I've sobered up, I've gained 50 pounds, have more jelly rolls than Dunkin' Donuts and lost all my hair. What the heck happened? If you can figure it out please tell me. So until then, let's stay sober together, shall we?

dawnie24 03-03-2012 01:51 AM

Originally Posted by kcvalentine (Post 3305334)
I lost a bunch of weight when I quit drinking (almost six months ago). Just stopping the cycle made the pounds drop off without other changes. And now I couple it with yoga and pilates plus a healthy diet. The results have been amazing! I went from a US size 14-16 to a size 6...and plan on rocking a bikini this summer. I'm so much happier in every way now. And my anxiety is almost completely gone. Good luck to you along your journey! xo

Thank you - I'm sick of the way I look it puts me down

dawnie24 03-03-2012 01:53 AM

Originally Posted by MrDavid (Post 3305352)
Put on weight? That’s an understatement. Before I sobered up I was 200 pounds and in the best shape of my life. Since I've sobered up, I've gained 50 pounds, have more jelly rolls than Dunkin' Donuts and lost all my hair. What the heck happened? If you can figure it out please tell me. So until then, let's stay sober together, shall we?

How the hell did you lose your hair lol? And what about goin gym?

flutter 03-03-2012 05:07 AM

I gained weight when I quit drinking.. towards the end I was literally starving myself and completely malnourished. Course, then a few months later I got pregnant and now have a fabulous 2 year old. I joined weight watchers and lost about 60 pounds and look/feel better than I have in almost 20 years.

flower43 03-03-2012 06:22 AM

I haven't lost any weight since quitting drinking. I have been sober about 70 days, have been eating healthy food and exercising, but actually GAINED three pounds this past month. (In addition to the 40 I gained while being a binge drinker) DEPRESSING!

I am also in my 40's so that may have something to do with it. Hoping the metabolism speeds up as my exercise regimen is increased. Overall I feel healthy and better but really dislike that I feel so blubbery and probably look like a fat slob. I just want to fit into my old clothes again and feel normal.

dawnie24 03-04-2012 10:31 AM

Its horrible when you put weight on aren't it I feel horrible

dawnie24 03-04-2012 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by flutter (Post 3305506)
I gained weight when I quit drinking.. towards the end I was literally starving myself and completely malnourished. Course, then a few months later I got pregnant and now have a fabulous 2 year old. I joined weight watchers and lost about 60 pounds and look/feel better than I have in almost 20 years.

I was thinking about going to weight watchers

babycat 03-04-2012 10:40 AM

Not that this is any thing really new, but I DEFINITELY see a change in my metabolism when I use weights and resistance training. Once I get some muscle on me, I find I can eat more (not an excuse to eat a ton tho!) and the fat comes off. Cardio is great and necessary but it is important to get resistance training in there too. And no ladies, you will not bulk up. :wink3:
Don't half ass your workouts either. Really get your sweat on! (Assuming you are in good health of course!)

babycat 03-04-2012 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by dawnie24 (Post 3307040)
I was thinking about going to weight watchers

An excellent program. I have had several friends achieve some really good results from it. Too much counting for me tho!

midgetcop 03-04-2012 12:51 PM

I lost some weight after quitting alcohol. I already was pretty small to begin with, but I've lost some bloat and bodyfat, and with the help of exercise I've added some muscle definition. More importantly, I *feel* physically and emotionally better.

dawnie, as someone else already mentioned, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I would worry about quitting the beer first and foremost, and worry about the weight later on. Do you have a plan or have you stopped drinking yet? I hope I'm not sounding harsh, but I'm just curious as to where you're at.

dawnie24 03-05-2012 02:59 AM

Originally Posted by babycat (Post 3307050)
Not that this is any thing really new, but I DEFINITELY see a change in my metabolism when I use weights and resistance training. Once I get some muscle on me, I find I can eat more (not an excuse to eat a ton tho!) and the fat comes off. Cardio is great and necessary but it is important to get resistance training in there too. And no ladies, you will not bulk up. :wink3:
Don't half ass your workouts either. Really get your sweat on! (Assuming you are in good health of course!)

Lol I need to do something

dawnie24 03-05-2012 03:01 AM

Originally Posted by midgetcop (Post 3307189)
I lost some weight after quitting alcohol. I already was pretty small to begin with, but I've lost some bloat and bodyfat, and with the help of exercise I've added some muscle definition. More importantly, I *feel* physically and emotionally better.

dawnie, as someone else already mentioned, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I would worry about quitting the beer first and foremost, and worry about the weight later on. Do you have a plan or have you stopped drinking yet? I hope I'm not sounding harsh, but I'm just curious as to where you're at.

I'm not good with plans lol I always find an excuse to have a drink

midgetcop 03-05-2012 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by dawnie24 (Post 3307855)
I'm not good with plans lol I always find an excuse to have a drink

I hear ya. I did that for years too, and my brain would find any insidious way to keep me drinking. Life has been good since I've stopped.

Don't get too hung up on your weight, dawnie. We all want to be healthy and look good, but quitting alcohol is the essential first step. I used to work out like crazy while I was still drinking, and I'm talking pretty intense stuff like Crossfit, heavy strength and circuit training, etc. I managed to drink alcoholically and pass my police fitness tests. I could go to the gym completely hung over and mentally push through it to 'get er done!'

But it was like trying to run up a down-moving escalator. It was always hard, I was over-exerting myself, and ultimately I was exhausted and had to fall down. I looked like crap, I often had chest pains, heart arrythmias (and I was in my 20s), I was bloated, etc. It was too much stress on my body, and despite working out I ultimately wasn't looking after myself.

I don't work out the way I used to. Since I quit drinking I've been going to karate a few days a week, and that's it. I've lost a few inches of fat around my midsection, but I don't weigh myself. I feel physically and emotionally better. I've learned to slow down.

I know you're more concerned about weight loss moreso than hardcore fitness, but I just thought I'd share my experience. Look after yourself, dawnie. :)

dawnie24 03-05-2012 03:34 PM

Lot of friends on my fb list do that they go to the gym hung over but if that was me I would of had a panic attack

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