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Scrubmuncher 03-25-2011 01:14 PM

Day 13 sober, i am about to have a drink!
Jeeesus, I've been dealing really well the last 13 days, I hit the big two weeks tomorrow and I don't think I'm going to make it. There is two small bottles of beer in the fridge and my mouth us watering, literally. Stretching I am going to be so pi$$ed with myself in the morning if I do this.
I've been great but I all of a sudden seem to be feeling physical withdrawals for the first time, I didn't expect this.

ReadyAndAble 03-25-2011 01:16 PM

Pour them out right now! Why do you even have them? Dump 'em. You'll be glad you did tomorrow—the two-week mark!

SSIL75 03-25-2011 01:17 PM

You are stronger than your urges. Pour it out.

Fandy 03-25-2011 01:17 PM

if you pour the beer out or just give it away NOW, you will have a better chance. talk yourself out of it as much as you are talking yourself into it.

Scrubmuncher 03-25-2011 01:23 PM

Hmmm, I can feel my head telling me I can control it. Problem is I'll have these then I'll end up at the 10 till 10 buying a bottle. Shoot!!
I think I'm done, I've got to have one. Sorry! I'll try just to have one, get rid of these feelings in my back and neck, stop my mouth watering.

suki44883 03-25-2011 01:26 PM

You can't quit drinking until you quit drinking, scrub. You know it's the wrong choice and you shouldn't have alcohol in your home at all.

Isn't this your last chance with your folks? Where are you going to live tomorrow?

SSIL75 03-25-2011 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by Scrubmuncher (Post 2910982)
Hmmm, I can feel my head telling me I can control it.

The voice is lying and now you're lying (to yourself).

At some point you have to want to stop more than you want to drink.

Also, I wonder if you're doing what I did which was consider posting/reading here a kind of compromise. Like a confession that would excuse the drinking. I'd think "Well, at least I'm aware of it/I'm working on it/It's not as bad as the last time". All that was true, I guess but I didn't get any HAPPIER until I stopped drinking totally.

Kjell 03-25-2011 01:34 PM

Hiya Scrub-

If you're gonna drink then let us know how you feel tomorrow and if it was worth it.

(said with kindness)


RV GTO 03-25-2011 01:42 PM

Two small beers will be just a warm-up to want more. You've made it this far - pop the caps, dump them down the drain and try not to rationalize taking that first beer.

Reset 03-25-2011 01:42 PM

Aw man. Just put it off another 15-30 minutes. Have a cup of tea or something else to drink. Watch a movie. Go for a walk. Come on you can do it.

Presstoe 03-25-2011 01:57 PM

I'm sorry you're going thru this, I have felt the same way, I still drink, it's powerful. Sometimes I lay down for a nap, listen to the radio and try to relax without a drink.

TwelveSteps 03-25-2011 02:02 PM

1. Pour out the beers.
2. Take a walk and think about how you will feel tomorrow if you drink.
3. Remind yourself that it's only a few more days and you will have made it 3 weeks!
4. Talk to someone live. Google "AA hotline [your nearest metropolitan area]" and an alcoholic will answer the phone and talk to you, 24 hours a day. It's OK if you've never been to a AA meeting before.

Every time I relapsed it was because I told myself I could have "just one," and sometimes I did, but then I just used that as evidence that I could drink normally again and it was a matter of days before I was in full relapse.

Each time you resist the urge successfully, you get stronger. Pretend like you are working out on a machine at the gym. It might be tough now but this will make it easier the next time.

Keep working it and let us know how it turned out.


ReadyAndAble 03-25-2011 02:03 PM

The worst thing that can happen is that you just have one beer. It will reinforce the idea that somehow you can now control the monster—which is just what the monster wants you to think.

You're either drinking or your not. There is no middle ground for folks like us, SM.

Get back here as soon as you can. You can do this.

Anna 03-25-2011 02:08 PM

I'm sorry to read this Scrub!

Dee74 03-25-2011 02:13 PM

Weren't you nearly homeless a few days ago over this?

Given your problems with your family and your neighbours when you drink, it'd be a really really poor choice to drink those beers Scrub.


recoverywfaith 03-25-2011 02:14 PM

One is never enough. It was told to me that people, places and things need to be changed...maybe get rid of the beer?

TTOSBT 03-25-2011 02:23 PM

:( Recovery does not always work for everyone that needs it but it does work if you are willing and want it more than those two beers.
Good luck. Really ope you make it back....

aussieblue 03-25-2011 02:41 PM

I hope you don't do it.

shreeshree 03-25-2011 02:55 PM

Don't drink it I just relapsed and I feel so guilty for letting myself down. It's not worth it..really just go dump them.

Supercrew 03-25-2011 02:55 PM

Kind of a bummer thread. You had the sense to come here, you stated that you have basically one chance left, and you would rather drink 2 measley beers than to have a chance to keep your family and have a place to live?

I have been under the grips of alcohol, but I think I would have taken those two bottles outside and broke them somewhere so there was no chance I would be tempted to suck the beer out of the broken glass. Not a great post to start the weekend, and like 2 beers would really do anything for you anyways besides get you back on the path to try to find more.

Sorry if I'm being a little judgemental, but there has to be a little willpower if you really want to quit, otherwise none of us would even stop long enough to go to a meeting or find this website. I feel sorry for you dude.

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