Thread: Homeless again
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Old 06-27-2006, 03:01 AM
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*continues to hold her down*

Done fighting yet? Let us know, ya aint getting up until you give. Dont mention the 'S' word in the newbie forum PLEASE... bad things could come from that because when we land here our minds are so heavily cloudy.

Plus, it sounds nasty and pathetic. We all have to work our asses off in life. Thats what life is. Our riches arent to be seen on earth but in heaven. Remember that punkin.

Not pushing the Lord on you but if he is in your heart, go to a wednesday night or sunday service. I swear, you will walk out feeling SO POWERFUL and SO FULLFILLED by the love Christ has placed inside your heart.

Just try it hun. Make friends with godly people. People can be cool and Godly... I certainly am hehe. One church service is all I ask. One.

I have another question:

So many people here have your personal information. Why are you not Baker acted? You are a threat to yourself and society. Those of you that are closer to her need to consider this responsibility because at this point, thats what it is... up to us to lock her up and dry her out. She isnt. Thats why the Baker act is for.

We say we love her. Lets prove it. This is bringing the board down and is so toxic to new-comers and regulars alike. Action needs to be taken NOW. To save her life and get some of this off the board (or at least on the same thread... getting crazy).

We CAN save her. All we need is her name and address. BOOM, 48 hours to dry out and think. Then you are assesed and sent to the correct facilty. Paid for by the state. Short of this, she is one good hit away from her heart exploding out of her chest.
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