Thread: DUI mess
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Old 06-26-2006, 10:06 PM
  # 24 (permalink)  
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Posts: 59
I've never driven drunk, or even considered it. I got used to taking cabs everywhere, or just not going anywhere at all. After all, I drank at home. While alcoholics do comprise a good portion of DUI arrests, many people are just regular, everyday folks who had 3 beers at a party, got pulled over for a broken tail light or something, and blew .08. It's unfortunate, because the science doesn't support .08 as "intoxicated". The law used to be .15 was legally drunk, then it was .10, and now it's .08. The only thing that changed was the law, people didn't suddenly become drunk at .08 where they didn't previously. It's a revenue thing, and part of the "get tough on crime" crapola politicians love to sell to the public. If they make it any lower, they may as well close down all the bars and ban the sale of alochol in restaurants, because it will be impossible to drive even after 1 drink.

I sure wish they had ordered a breathalyzer for my car.
It might be a good idea for everyone to buy one of these for their cars, even people who don't abuse alcohol. This would help to ensure that even soccer moms who go to a BBQ and have a beer are safe to drive, at least in theory.
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