Old 06-03-2003, 05:24 AM
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: MO
Posts: 32
Thank-you everyone!!!

I laughed when I read Ann's post because I had already done that, and he approached me. Fortunately by that time I had put the steps to use. I realized I was more angry about the dishonesty than the drinking. Not that I am one little bit happy about his drinking but the betrayl is what just hits me so hard. If I can't trust him then there is nothing!

I am still so new to my recovery that I am strugling. I keep reading your posts and looking forward to the day I can be better and not let these things eat me up. He has been back ih the house for 3 nights now and drank all 3 nights. He gives me some crap about it being hard to be here. All the quack, quack about trying to stop. He claims not to be making excuses, but thats all he does. He just doesn't seem to realize he is only making excuses for himself...not me. He uses the powerlessness for his own benefit. I reminded him last night that although he is powerless over the alcohol he does have to make choices. HE has to CHOOSE to get help. But I can see he is NOT ready. I don't think he has the courage to make the change right now. He is too afraid to take an honest look at himself.

In my Al-anon group they told me not to make any big decisions for 6 months. I can wait but he doesn't realize that I won't stay without a change on his part. Right now I just can't see a real future fow me and my son with him drinking. With each beer I see our future going down the drain. OK, I'm rambling now....think I need more coffee.

HUGS and a big thank-you again. You help more than you could know.
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