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Old 06-01-2003, 12:31 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: South Africa
Posts: 17
Hi thanks for all the supporting messages, and yeah, I think 13 is THE age, but maybe years ago it was different, it was safer to go out and get drunk about 20 odd years ago, now there are so many wierdo's around, we used to be able to hike from point A to point B without having to worry about our safety, now its unheard of, specially where we live. I won't even let my 11 yr old daughter play outside unless there is an adult around. I used to also go out, get sloshed and have a good time, but I grew out of it, I had hoped my son would too, but no luck, and if he carries on like this it will become a crutch to him, he already thinks he can't be the life of a party unless he has had a couple of drinks, very soon, if not already he will be unable to go to any social event without getting drunk first. One of the worst things I have noticed is that on a couple of occasions he would get a bottle of wine or something and down it before he even went out, so he could get into the sociable mood. His friends don't go out and get drunk anymore, they have grown out of it, they treat him with good humoured patience, which is wrong, they should be giving him hell instead. Only one friend has voiced his concern, and he is the son of a recovering alcoholic, so he knows the danger signs. I also note that he goes round with a different crowd during the week, obviously a crowd who don't see anything wrong with drinking during a work week.
As I read my own posts here I am getting a clearer view that I need to do something, asap. We do have an AA here, I am going to speak to the concerned friend and see if he won't go with him to a couple of the meetings. But, my son has to admit he has a problem, and so far he does not think its a 'real' problem.
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