Old 02-10-2006, 05:46 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Ontario Canada
Posts: 5
Tonight I'm the most repulsive, disgusting [insert insult]

Well, for two weeks he's loved me (even though he still stays up all night to avoid sleeping with me). But, today I didn't have a cheery enough smile on my face when he decided to fall off the wagon so I've pretty-well been called every filthy disgusting name in the book.

He told me he will never forgive me because I ruined his night and that he isn't going to stay with me when he gets his inheritance money in a couple of months.

Interestingly, I have supported him completely for over two years, and I gave him all his spending money for a year before that. But, now that he is getting an inheritance, he figures he will just use it to leave me.

I don't know why I put up with this. Part of it is because I love him, of course, but I think if I'm honest part of it is because I already left one loser husband to hook up with him, and it's pretty humiliating to have to admit to the world that I am such an idiot when it comes to men.
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