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Old 02-02-2006, 02:27 PM
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Thanks for your post to me. Those words offered a lot of insight. I don't want to do it because I could honestly see myself getting out of control with that. There is a part of my brain that is wanting some more right now but I'm not going get any. I just need lots of support especially over the next few days.

My cravings during withdrawals are absolutely horrible so I know this is going to be rough. There is always that part of me that says "the drug will make this go away" but it is a never ending cycle.

I don't want to go down the meth road. I've already been down it with coke and I can't do that with something else.
I have to stop it before it even starts. ***NOW***


That part of your brain that wants more, is going to get worse over the next few hours. I don't want to scare you, just forewarn you.
This stuff is so hard on you mentally. Your RIGHT it will tell you it will make everything go away. It's the worst kind of mental thing I've ever gone through, my e.d. a close run, but a different way.

Fight the urge, again I want to reitterate to you that, this IS NOT LIKE COKE........
You WILL lose all control over it and yourself if you get even one more bag. Coke did nothing for me, and when I randomally accidenatlly tried Crack, it also did nothing for me.

This stuff....... It takes you on in a whole new way.
Keep coming here and posting everytime you get an urge. That is what I did and still do.

ughh, I hate that you are going through all this, cause I know the battle that goes on in the head.

If it helps you to not want to do it, they just found a bunch of puppies that people were "Transportting their drugs in".....

Some of the puppies died after they did the surgery to remove the drugs from them. Some lived.
The whole thing of that right there, freaked me out. Puppies dying so people can seel drugs, puppies dying so people can have their drugs.

I would never buy from a pet store cuz of the puppy mills, I don't think I could honestly ever buy drugs again after reading that article.

It disgusts me to no end.

I don't say that to make you feel bad, just to make you think hard, and keep on thinking the next few days.....

Please keep on posting, and stay away from the meth.


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