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Old 02-02-2006, 10:48 AM
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Red face ((((Sheryl))))


I won't even ask you what you were thinking, because I don't know what I was thinking half of the time I did/do things. I am sad for you that you tried the stuff as I am for anyone that tries it. It's some nasty stuff, that feels so good at first. I don't know if you know or not but they call meth-the devils drug, because of how bad it is.

You asked if there was a withdrawel period, I'd say for most, not on the body but on the mind.

I read over all your posts several times, Although they sounded great and positive, they scared me because you were SOO positive and that is exactly what meth does to you.
That's why it's different, that's why it is so damn great. I almost felt as I was reading your posts that I could feel your come-down in each post.

I worry about the next 24 hours with you, because that high wonderful (but awful) feeling you have gets bad, the meth took your serotin to an extremely high level, and now it's going to take it to a low level. That may leave you feeling like, You need more. You may tell yourself you need more to do your recovery. lol, it sounds crazy but it wouldnt' surprise me.

Everyone is different, so this may not be true, I mean nothing that i said could be true, I'm just going with my gut, So if it doesn't ring true for you, of course don't take it on.
Meth leaves you feeling very vulnerable, and what people say to you are deeper.
The words either leave you feeling very good or very very bad. When they leave you feeling bad your brain may tell you to do another line, just to feel good again, then you'll stop.


The roller coaster ride you have been on for so long with coke, DON'T THINK FOR A SECOND that you can do the same with meth. It's next to impossible........
Sweetie it REALLY REALLY IS............

I'm REALLY REALLY worried about you right now. If you pick up or do another line of meth Sheryl, I believe you are going to go down into a world of hell. Not right away, but you will.
It's so different than coke or anything that most people have ever tried. They say it's worse to get off than heroin. Not to mention the holes meth puts in your brain.

Part of me wants to kick your a*s, and the other part wants to give you a huge hug and do this part for you........

You do what you have to do to NOT do anymore of this crap, esp. within the next 72 hours. If you have to post on here or be here the whole time, do it.

Go the Nar-Anon board, if you don't go there much. Reading some of the mom's post will really help you not want to do this stuff. You'll see how far some of their loved ones sunk. It takes away that feeling, "Of that won't happen to me".......
And nothing makes me more angry when I keep see people call people
"Meth Heads", if that makes you as angry as it makes me, lol, it'll stop you from doing another line. Just to prove them wrong.......... ;-)

Keep posting sweetie, and stay away from this stuff. If not you'll be smoking it or shooting it within the next 2 years, the life you live now, will be a distant memory.

For now, be gentle with yourself, Naps, and keep posting. Oh and eat and drink water also.
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