Old 09-02-2023, 10:10 AM
  # 106 (permalink)  
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Boston, MA
Posts: 326
Welcome, Adam! 100% sounds like you're in the right thread. 8 months is definitely in the thick of it. I love Graceful's advice: "Does random stuff scare you? Things that you normally wouldn't even pay attention to? If you answered yes, then you're suffering from a PAWS episode." - absolutely this. If you get randomly freaked out doing anything that you know you're not afraid of, you're in a wave,
I have seen a lot of mentions about caffeine/coffee - I stopped drinking all caffeine early in PAWS because I was always super sensitive to it anyway, but if you can tolerate a little bit, I'd say switch to decaf, or drink decaf as the second cup, You can also cut full-strength coffee with half decaf - and I used to work as a barista and people would ask for this all the time and it's nbd to make a half-caf shot so don't feel bad asking for it if you drink coffee out.
The fatigue - - I actually felt the worst fatigue as I was getting toward the later phase of my PAWS. 18-24-30 months. Like my body was made of lead.
Exercise helps *sometimes* - but don't feel like you have to push yourself to work out like a maniac because it will not only not cure PAWS, working out too hard can actually trigger wave-like responses. Get *some* exercise and do not beat yourself up because you're not running marathons. When you're healed you will want to - and be able to - get more exercise. Think of it like coming back after an injury (because it is) - you can only do what your body will let you.
Hope everyone is hanging in there!! Just don't pick up - you'll get through this! After years of not being able to plan anything because I didn't know if I could handle it, I've started booking concert tickets and planning travel. I'm falling back in love with life, and I don't worry so much about PAWS most of the time. You will get better!
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