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Old 03-03-2023, 09:54 AM
  # 4 (permalink)  
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 336
Addiction is not something that ever gets cured. I have to think of it like my asthma—it can be “in remission” where the symptoms are not currently happening, but I will ALWAYS have to be aware that my lungs are different, and be cautious with how I treat my lungs and how I breathe. Some of it is because of genetics, some of it is because of damage that happened to them in my early asthma attacks—but it doesn’t matter now if I was born this way or became this way, it’s a part of who I am now. My mother’s cancer was like that too, it never went away, it was just in remission or active.

He has symptoms that tell me his addiction is active. And that is dangerous. For you and any children.

It is also hard to think about, but you can’t separate the person from their addiction. The nature of the beast is that addiction is not something you can isolate and just get rid of, while keeping the person.

You can love someone who is an addict, but that doesn’t mean you have to give them access to you, or the ability to hurt your sanity, your finances, or your body. I highly recommend getting away from any situations where his addiction can bring you down with him.
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