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Old 02-20-2023, 07:53 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 5
Long term effects of heroin?

My boyfriend has some characteristics that I now see as not normal. I wonder if they are long term effects of heroin use. I don't really know anything about drugs and addiction.

He doesn't remember dreams (he often mutters violent threats in his sleep). He claims he cannot remember abusive things he's said and done. I have seen him drunk, and he has among other things wrecked my car which he does not remember. He has grandiose ideas about himself, such as that he works harder than everyone else or can do whatever he wants, or knows what everyone is thinking (I can assure you he is terrible at understanding others). He has this long, grand plan about us being happy someday which he genuinely seems to think excuses him from being present today (that's my job). If things don't go his way he punches holes in my walls, has broken doorframes, smashed lamps. He thinks this is ok because he works so hard. All if this is done sober (except my car) he is 6 years sober with two years in a methadone clinic before that. He weaned himself off methadone when I met him and hasn't done heroin since. He has done psychedelics and I believe cocaine behind my back as well as heavy drinking. I got pregnant last year and as far as I know he hasn't done anything since then but is still exhibiting those odd behaviors, and he just tells me I'm crazy. He won't let me leave the house or go back to work, because it's an "unnecessary risk". He freaked out because the baby scratched his own face, being as how babies have long nails, punched s hole in the wall again, and he says he can't trust me to do anything. He is very aggressive and seems paranoid. Is it from the heroin use all that time ago, or is he just a jerk.
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