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Old 01-09-2023, 02:02 PM
  # 62 (permalink)  
Wes B
Join Date: Jan 2023
Posts: 48
Originally Posted by Redempsean View Post
Oh boy, this early struggle sounds so familiar. I am not looking forward to going thru all this again but it's non-negotiable apparently lol
Hang in there Wes, Ive appreciated your posts. You will get through this and be a better person for it. Stay strong 💪🏻
Thanks Sean, it's been uncomfortable at times but then every day was uncomfortable when I was hungover watching the clock until 5pm so I could start my after work ritual of getting wasted lol... actually when I think about it now with a slightly clearer mind.. if I wasn't an alcoholic and someone give me the choice of, "you can either feel like sh%t for 12 hours a day, everyday for a couple of decades or for 24 hours a day for a couple of weeks" I'm pretty sure I'd choose the latter lol.. it seems so logical now but I could never say no to the quick fix.

Just had to accept that it was going to be rough and try to ride it out.

You've done well in the past mate and I'm very confident you can do it again. 👍

Let's get a streak going!
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