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Old 12-12-2022, 08:39 AM
  # 237 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Oxnard (The Nard), CA, USA.
Posts: 14,352
Hi everybody, I'm reading everybody's post and pulling for each and everyone's success.
Thanks for helping me stay sober today. You guys are the best . I learn loads from your shares.

Good yesterday. Visited my two of my three sisters (they live in the same big house). Took my e-bicycle and forgot to charge the battery. Brilliant Will! Fortunately, sis has a mini SUV to put my bike in. The battery, the bike, and the motor must weigh one ton because I thought my back was going to brake putting it in the back of the vehicle. Glad no hurting bones this morning. Coffee, harm reduction practice is immediately effective. Ugg, groan, once an addict always an addict. Going to police that darn coffee. Oh well, I love it. Such is my life.

I forget that learning recovery tools can be daunting, confusing, very difficult to grasp, and just thoroughly overwhelming. How do I know which tool will help me? What if I don't understand it? If I work the tool and still relapse, is there something wrong with me? What is the best tool to work with first? I have a lot of symptoms and will have to work with hundreds of recovery tools before I feel better? Is there another way to recover without working recovery tools? If the tool is not working do I still stick with it?
I'm sure you can add to this list.

Start work on one symptom. Pick a tool that looks easy to do. If you have problems with the tool, find another one. Work it for a while until you feel confident to take on another tool. Take it slow, be patient with yourself, and keep it as simple as you can. If addiction recovery seems more formidable than addiction we would all be lost to alcoholism and the like.

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