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Old 01-18-2006, 04:23 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
A picture's worth a 1000 words
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: With any luck, I'm lost in a view finder
Posts: 2,954
Try not to be so down on yourself, especially when you are already feeling as low as you are. And don't worry about offending peeps here at never fails that when I feel my worst and most depressed that I seem to tick someone off too. Don't let it bother you, just worry about you and let them take care of them.

As for taking yourself off the Wellbutrin before b/c it was making you feel more depressed...Well I'm certainly no doc, but I do know that it can take 4-6 weeks for anti-d's to start getting their butts in gear and giving us some relief. That it possible that you would have been that depressed if you hadn't been on any meds? Maybe you expected too much too fast from the Wellbutrin and when you got depressed it seemed like the meds were making you that way? Don't know. Just something to think about.

Really, I think that's probably what's going on now. You are on such a very low dose of the Effexor that it's like barely taking anything at of course, you are still going to be depressed. Now if you had been on the Effexor for several months and were already up to 300 mg a day then I would say it's time to definetly add a second anti-d and/or try a totally different med.

Hang in there though. You CAN do this. I know because I've been where you are at many, many times and I didn't think I could make it through either, but I did. And I know if I can do it then so can YOU!

Giant HUGS,
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