Thread: Codependency
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Old 08-14-2022, 10:38 AM
  # 13 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2022
Posts: 51
Originally Posted by Eauchiche View Post
Dear Jw
AA describes the drink as a "symptom" of a "spiritual problem" that is alcoholism.
In my case, codependency was a group of coping mechanisms I learned from growing up in the home of an addict. This affected who I chose in friends and romantic relationships.
While I believe a healthy person could, in theory, choose an addict as a partner and become codependent, I doubt this is the case.
Hi thanks for the response. This is what confuses me, I think, as from what I have read and heard so far a lot of people with codependency have so because they have grown up in or around alcoholism, however from what I can remember I had a great childhood and certainly was no alcoholism present in my life until I met my now partner of 10 years. I have however always suffered with low self esteem and what I have always believed and diagnosed as social anxiety though now I'm not so sure about that.
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