Old 07-03-2022, 11:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Bambee View Post
I should be able to leave my alcoholic boyfriend right? But I can’t. The thought of it breaks my heart. He’s not abusive, he’s never even raised his voice at me. He just drinks…and lies about it. I know I deserve better. Even he knows I deserve better. He’s even said so himself. So then why can’t I leave? I feel like there’s something wrong with me.
There is nothing wrong with you, but you might want to look at those feelings.

When you say it 'breaks your heart' - does that mean you love him so much you can't bear the thought of leaving or does it break your heart to leave him alone? It's worth pondering. Maybe picture yourself and your life without him in it. What would you like to do? Do you want to travel? Have children? (children and alcoholism don't work).

He doesn't raise his voice to you but there has to be more of a downside than him lying about his drinking? Where does he drink, at home or does he go out drinking. How often, does he drink every day? If he has been alcoholic since you met him, then you probably don't really know "him". Even if he is not drinking for a day or two here and there, that's not truly sober as in giving the brain time to heal.

Anyway, the best I can offer is to really think about why you are there.

Alcoholism is progressive as well, if he continues to drink, chances are in a year or two or 10 he won't be the same guy/drinker you know today.

There is a book, which is the most often recommended book in this forum, Codependent no more by Melody Beattie. You might want to download a copy. It's an easy read and talks about boundaries in relationships etc. You might find it helpful as you sort through where you are at with this relationship.

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