Thread: Help.
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Old 02-03-2022, 06:19 AM
  # 27 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 136
He's getting something out of you talking to him, and he will continue to do this until you stop interacting with him. I've been where you are and I understand how painful it is to let go and move on, I hung on for WAY too long (together for almost 30 years) and it did me no good at all. Oh boy did I hang on through a lot of lying, cheating and just plain nastiness because I was holding on the man he used to be. I had to get to the point that I didn't 'see' that person any longer and realized he had no guilt drinking, or for his bad behaviours, so why should I feel any guilt for putting myself first? I don't even know if he remembers any of his questionable behaviours to regret, honestly...

You mention closure, but I don't believe closure will give you what you're looking for. So what if he apologizes and 'recognizes' what he's done, it won't change that he did it and that is what you have to live with. We have all wanted our qualifier to understand how we feel and apologize, but if we flip that over, can we really understand how they feel and how our actions have helped damage the relationship? I was angry, unhappy and tried to run ex AH's life for him so he wouldn't have a reason to drink. That doesn't work because there is ALWAYS a reason to drink, they manufacture them and in my situation, it was usually at my expense. So by that reasoning, I should apologize to him for my actions because they did more damage than good.

I can feel how upset you are, the only thing I can tell you for sure is that with no contact you will start to feel better after the initial grief abates. You'll notice how relaxed you are, how calm life feels without that chaos, and you'll feel stronger. Basically you'll realize that you made the right decision, but that will take time to see. Make sure you take time for yourself and do things that make YOU happy. Now is your time to live and not be dragged under by his choices. Take care of yourself and reach out any time you need support ❤.
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