Thread: I’m done
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Old 07-10-2021, 01:02 PM
  # 27 (permalink)  
aasharon90's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Baton Rouge, La.
Posts: 15,252
Over the years I have heard about many who have
been in and out of rehab where some have achieved
continuous sobriety and others are still struggling.

Rehab is a stepping stone to helping achieve continuous
recovery and sobriety. For me, being in a controlled invironment,
allowed time for the toxins to leave the body and the fog to
clear the mind in order to receive some valuable and important
knowledge and information about addiction and how it affected
my own mind, body and soul.

28 days with no alcohol in reach when going thru those
early withdrawals and emotions are all over the place.

You learn some good healthy techniques to use to solve
everyday situations where we would normally reach for
alcohol or drugs to either cope with them, numb them,
deal with them or whatever.

When you leave rehab we are not immediately cured.
We take what we learned from there and expand on them.
I was one that didnt like to bother or disturb folks. So,
I went to many many meetings and sat close to those
I saw in them and heard what they shared and liked it.

I followed in their footsteps and whatever they did, like
going to step studies, i went too. To big book studies,
I went too. Speaker meeting, Did it. Conventions there

The more i suited up and showed up folks saw me. My
sponsor introduced me to her posey as she called them.
My sponsor led me by example and by her actions which
spoke volumes to me.

Because i was married and a mom, I had to learn about
balance in family life and recovery life. Family was available
if needed so that I could make my meetings if i needed one,
but tried to make noon meetings with sometimes bringing my
children with me.

Yep, they came with me bringing their coloring books
to keep them occupied for an hour while i get some
important info to stay focus on what's important and
strengthen my resolve to remain sober no matter what.

Keep learning and never stop learning.
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