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Old 06-16-2021, 03:59 PM
  # 110 (permalink)  
OneThingAtATime's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2020
Posts: 338
Hello all,

I am a little past wine:30 but thought I should check in any how.

I didn't take my meds this morning, so I could pick up my meds this afternoon, ate, took my meds and passed out from pain and meds. It was an afternoon, but a 2.5 hour nap did me good. I will still sleep well tonight, I am sure.

Plenny, I sure understand about the OCD!!!! I have been limited at what I can do lately and so many times before this and it drives me nuts. husband and daughter do not care. Things stay were ever they put them down, especially dishes. I find glasses all over the house and dishes left on the counter with the dishwasher right there, it is a sore spot with me. Gee, you know 3 adults should be able to take care of their stuff. I understand about the calendar too. I tried my best to use my phone and it was not comfortable to me. My social life seems to be medical visits so I had to go back to a pocket book calendar. My daughter just shakes her head at me for being technologically behind, but I do what works.

Venus, I don't think my husband understands or really wants to understand. I don't think he wants to think of me as an alcoholic. I also thinks he wants to feel less guilty about his drinking if I drink with him. He is a gentleman and no means no, but then again he is a man child and will try to talk me into relaxing scenarios to see if I will give in. 🤦‍♀️

Venus and Phoebe, this dress thing is confusing and I am so glad they have not included me in any of the other planning! She said anything from mauve to plum to begin with and plum is what I picked and that is what I am staying with. Champagne and taupe, which sure looked like brown to me, is not in that color pallet. She is a very spoiled person, as you can guess, and she is not going to tell me were to shop and what style to wear. I am going to wear something age appropriate and nice. Though I wish I was 30, I am not, late 50's is not the new late 40's, and those women are well past retirement age. Good for them if they can pull it off. I can't and I will not try.

Dee, you are definitely right, I will have to have a plan and car keys. I am pretty sure they will have to have some NA drinks, that is only appropriate, if not I will have some cans of ginger ale in the car and they can think that I am sneaking to the car for shots for all I care. We will fly in and rent a car so I will definitely be DD. I am sure they will have a champagne toast also. I only need to raise my glass and leave it at that.

Kittencat, I am sorry the storms are so bad where you are, that is bothersome. It is good that you video chat with your doc. There are some good things that the pandemic brought that have made life easier. I am sorry about your mom. I know that has to be a source of stress to have to worry about her. I hope all goes well .

Have a good sober, evening classmates 😊. I could not do this without you all! Seriously, I tried and failed so badly many times. You are all a blessing, like you wouldn't believe!


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