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Old 05-14-2021, 03:41 PM
  # 16 (permalink)  
uncle holmes
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Originally Posted by secretchord View Post
In a few weeks I’ll be one year sober. I’m looking for advice on relapse prevention. I’m noticing more and more lately I’ve been thinking about drinking. I’m even back to having drinking dreams. I’ve been a year sober and relapsed in the past so I want to be honest with myself this time. Any advice for me?
You’re already doing something about relapse prevention by recognizing some warning signs! By not denying it and coming here and being honest about thinking about drinking and worried about relapsing is better than denying it and trying to do it alone!

I used to be a chronic, relapse prone alcoholic for a decade before I finally beat alcoholism and now have 29 years of sobriety! I learned about relapse prevention planning in my last rehab center 29 years ago! I applied those principles and combined it with AA and the 12 steps and that was my successful vaccine that finally worked and protected me from picking up a drink again!

Prior to that it was strictly going in and out of AA! When I applied the principles from the book, “Staying Sober: A guide to relapse prevention planning by Terrence Gorski”, and combined that with AA meetings and the 12 steps, that was like my moderna and pfizer vaccine that finally put alcoholism to rest! You can order both books “staying sober”and “Alcoholics Anonymous” at Amazon if you don’t have them!
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