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Old 03-25-2021, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Treesofgreen View Post
Morning all. 24 more please. I spent most of yesterday in the ER for observation. Some very strange things are happening with my heart that can’t be explained. I’ve been having some heart palpitations and my heart rate will get up to 160 without any exertion at all. When I’m sitting down working, it doesn’t happen. When I stand up, even if I just walk 100 feet it happens. Of course I get short on breath and have trouble catching my breath with my heart rate gets so high.

They were concerned I had a blood clot. So after an EKG, CT scan, chest x-ray, full blood work up, and urinalysis, They now want me to have a referral to cardiology to figure out what is really happening. All of those tests came back that I’m healthy as an ox. I just spoke to cardiology, and it’s like making appointment to see the President. First opening is July. There is a back way in if I can get an internal referral which they were supposed to send. So now I have to track it down.

I hate to be on bedrest right now, but something is clearly going on so I’m really taking it easy right now. They did all kinds of tests on baby yesterday and she is very healthy and active. I have a follow up ultrasound to see her tomorrow.
Hi Trees,

I am so sorry that is going on. I had a similar thing happening to me several years ago, and went through lots of tests and they kept trying to push it off to stress or menopause (it was neither). I ended up seeing an Electro Physiologist, who is a cardiologist who specializes in the electrical system of the heart. He was able to pinpoint what was going on with the heart rate increases almost immediately. I ended up needing a heart ablation, and that really helped, I’m not saying that is what you will need, but you may want to talk to your cardiologist about a referral to an EP specialist.

Sending so much love your way.
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