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Old 10-22-2020, 02:06 PM
  # 19 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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You;re entitled to your opinion but I think you're being manipulated by that pesky AV.

Its not far from 'all these people are not really sober - they need a crutch' - to 'man, I need a crutch too' - and AV wins again.

Man, it does get better

I was not on any other medication until about 7 years in.
Life was good but there was constant pain, but I managed.

I then developed a nerve pain problem which was a whole new level of agony.
Without drugs to deal with that I honestly don't know where I'd be.

That led to other meds to keep me healthy - I have a few other chronic health issues.

I'm not on meds to get high - I'm on meds to prolong my life and to make the quality of life as good as it can be.

Like Fini said it's an entirely different animal for me.

I asked because, in the past, I've been on SSRIs, hooked on weed, and currently struggle with alcohol. I exercise, meditate, work my recovery plan, but my emotions are, at times, overwhelming.
Things will get better - you're not that far from a recent relapse right? Give it time...and my advice is start thinking now about what a sober life you love might look like.

You start building that and you'll have no need of crutches
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