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Old 09-07-2020, 05:32 AM
  # 186 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Upstate New York
Posts: 1,928
Yeserday was a great way to end the season. Did a nice dive in full gear, snorkeled, and did a short dive in minimal gear. Everything worked fine and I picked a bag of trash off the bottom of the river. This morning I'll be putting all my gear away to wait for next years diving season.

The rest of today I'm packing my stuff and getting everything in the car for the trip. I want to leave as early as I can tomorrow morning. It's a very long drive - 12½ hous plus stops. I overnight in Dandridge, Tn and get Ruthie at 10 AM the next morning about 5 minutes from where I'm staying. I'm driving back as far as Winchester, Va (I hope) and doing an overnight there. Thursday morning I do the final run home. I'm going to have my hands full at least until Friday, so I doubt I'll be posting till then. Wish me luck.
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