Thread: Hypocrisy
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Old 07-17-2020, 05:17 AM
  # 130 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Doriss View Post
As you Miss P. Aellyce and Binimi Have stopped drinking, for what seems to me like eons, a week in. Would you say you went out with a bang with the last drink/drunk or sort of peter out?
I always thought I would stop because of some ultra bad thing happening. Or some big health crisis. Waiting for a bolt of lighting from the Gods to bring me to my senses.
It was kind of a last whimper after weeks and weeks of heavy drinking. I was consuming 1.5 -2 bottles of wine a night and more on weekends. I was feeling physically quite sick every day. I had the shakes one time so badly that I couldn't sign my name in front of colleagues and had to put it down to the flu. I was missing days of work and coming in late even when I made it. I was a mess.

The weekend I decided to quit I was engaging in a series of epic text rants with my boyfriend. He was overseas in a different time zone and I was sending him 10-12 angry texts at a time which he would see when he awoke. I was very angry about a particular issue which we had not resolved and probably never could have. On the Saturday, I would have drunk over 2 bottles of wine and I sent him my volley of texts before basically passing out. The final text I sent I said to him: I need to break this off and clean myself up. So I already knew.

The next day being a Sunday I socialised a bit. I had Christmas drinks in the afternoon at a friend's house but couldn't face the mulled wine. That night I had the remnants of the last bottle of wine, so perhaps about 2 glasses.

The next day I went to see a doctor and confessed my drinking and did clean up. I also broke up with the boyfriend by phone which we both knew was coming. When he did finish his trip, we had a final goodbye in person and he agreed at my request not to contact me for 6 months. I'm glad he kept his word because I needed that 6 months to focus exclusively on my sobriety. We are still friends.
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