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Old 07-14-2020, 09:05 PM
  # 361 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 7,583
Hey guys,
Not caught up yet but working at continuing our Colorado adventure, life, the universe, and everything to borrow a phrase from good ol Doug, despite deciding to quarantine for another year or two until this US population stops believing everything posted by bots on the Internet. It put a real crimp in our planned sodding of our yard by our JOAT who is a month overdue. (Jack Of All Trades - that's clever and on his cards and truck window) We really know no one here, but that's OK. We are streamlining storage and our garage, and plan many more trips. I also just took down my website and have to build a new one at GoDaddy.
1st world problems.

I hope it all goes off without a hitch!

Thanks. Glad you're beginning to feel there's a light at the end of the tunnel. And folks helping you get there. You guys sound like a great couple, and marvelous parents.

Nothing to be jealous about. It's a car, and new tech. So's yours! Do go test drive one when possible.

So glad to know you're OK with your virus filled job dealing with the public. I am trying to tamp down my anger at how badly Americans behave under pressure, especially when I want to shop but no one's wearing masks in stores here. Now we in El Paso County Colorado are in the biggest hot spot in the state and rising faster than the first time. I just read that most of those posts on social media pushing selfishness like little kids who just learned the word no, are sent by bots. You know where my outlet is and my topics on Facecrook are where I can discuss religion and politics. I too appreciate the rules here. We all need a place to exercise our kindness muscles, and let others exercise on us.

Don't worry I'm fine too.

I hope all three of you can all help each other chill. Are "Walkies" walks, hikes, either or both?

I've been redoing my CD storage catching up on ripping as mp3s to computer, and then getting them in my music folder.

You're really keeping busy with the office move and your personal helping platforms.
Hi all I missed and of course Hi to you Dee.

Yes my toy is fun. It's beautiful. Had I waited just a couple of months they just dropped the price for the model Y $3000bucks - $3k!!! I'm going to call since it has only been two weeks or so since we paid for it. I'll ask if they are refunding for folks within two weeks of the price drop. I doubt it, but I've learned over the years that if I don't ask, no one can ever say yes!

Be safe my friends.

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