Old 06-13-2020, 10:45 AM
  # 169 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 1,188
Slept for a bit longer this morning compared to usual. Then had my coffee and took the bus to grandma's place. We just talked, cooked and later on both her and grandpa got should and head rubs. I have served my purpose on this day.

It's been really hot here today, the sun has been blazing all day. And I hadn't been to the city in more than 3 months now - new constructions on the road there etc. Of course, there jus HAD to be a hungover/drunk person on the morning bus (it's almost as if public transport isn't public transport without boozies in various preparatory or after-the-fact stages of inebriation).

Later on I made a big batch of spring rolls, yet only had a few. The break between meals this morning (from last night) ended up being a bit more than 12 hours, so I will use this random opportunity to actually try and stay on an intermittent fasting schedule. It helps that there are no pressing writing matters currently ongoing, so I can "suffer" the pangs of hunger (should these occur) in relative peace.

Not much else to report. Think I'll get to the translation tomorrow.

End of Day 397. I did not drink today.
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