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Old 03-26-2020, 08:05 AM
  # 9 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 353
Originally Posted by Robbie64 View Post
From page 25 of part 1:

from PeaceManic

Yes, the seagulls really are conspicuous by their absence at the moment. With many people at home, most of the food shops closed and the schools closed there's less scraps of food on the ground. I've seen one gull perched on a roof this morning. Normally there's loads of them around. I find them a bit threatening so the lack of them isn't too bad.

There's usually lots of magpies around but I've not seen any this week

from mikoss

I've not seen many pigeons this week either! Though there's a number of them in an allotment (I think this called a community garden in the US) nearby. I'm not sure if this is just a British thing but some people breed and race them and someone living near me has a number of them housed in his allotment. Even they've been in hiding this week, usually they are flying about for a while on an almost daily basis.
We don't have a lot of seagulls around here but plenty of dove/pigeons. I just put out a lot of bird seed, corn, and peanuts for the squirrels. The pigeons were out for a while after I put out the food.

My squirrels are out right now eating and hiding/burying the peanuts. The squirrel I feed by hand got into a fight with another squirrel just a little while ago. I was feeding her peanuts from my hand and another squirrel came by and was eating a peanut from a stash I put in one place near a tree and the female squirrel that I feed by hand saw the other squirrel and attacked it and they got into a fight a few times until the other squirrel took off with the peanut still in its mouth. I put out so much food that there is enough for all of the squirrels and they still have to fight.

And then the squirrels even try to run off the pigeons that are eating bird seed but these pigeons hold their ground and still eat even though the squirrels try to bully them off. I swear these squirrels get so greedy over the food and want it all to themselves.

I have heard that people raise pigeons and race them and it is a hobby for a lot of people. People can even send messages to other people using pigeons just like they used in ancient times in Europe using ravens to send messages from different castles to get messages across. I guess that was the ancient method of cell phones back then. But I have heard that even to this day people use pigeons to send messages to each other. I think they are called homing pigeons.

Last edited by mikoss; 03-26-2020 at 08:06 AM. Reason: spelling
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