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Old 02-03-2020, 06:52 PM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 121
Hi Robbie,

I am same as you. I only smoke when drinking. I think you would be well served to go to AA/NA meetings. Try both fellowships and see where you feel most comfortable.

And if you dont agree with the God reliance or the stepwork then dont worry about that. Think of it like a buffet restaurant, take what you like and leave the rest.

Go to many different meetings and you will find a very different ambiance in each one. You dont "have" to find a sponsor or "work steps" or "pray everyday" if you dont want to. Dont worry about all that jazz, just be YOU.

My point is that you dont have to buy in "hook, line and sinker". You can enjoy the fellowshiping, socializing and so forth and at any point you can just leave if you have "had your fill". There is nothing wrong with going for like 90 days and then to stop going.

Take what you like and leave the rest. You just have to "pretend" that you believe it all. Heh-Heh. And also when you "share" dont say "I dont believe in God and/or the stepwork/sponsorhip" because if you do that they may "turn against you" so keep your skepticism private.
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