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Old 08-08-2019, 04:39 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 710
Originally Posted by fini View Post
interesting examples.
i see it differently.
my daughters may well have been conceived when drinking led to drunken sex...and while they are, luckily, healthy decent sane people, i’d never say this is an example of how beauty came from alcohol.
in fact, it is one of my deep regrets that they were likely conceived in the ugliness of drunken sex rather than a sober, loving, mutually present act.
the beauty came despite the booze.
You explain it so well.. Despite (or even because of) the alcohol, beauty came. But what a price, so much ugliness involved.

My father died suddenly when I was almost 20. He was SO HEALTHY they said (never smoke or drank) that all his organs were donated. HIs death led to many of my struggles (real life ones and mental health) that I tried to mitigate with alcohol.

I had to change my life dramatically. I would not have the kids I have today if my father had not died because my life would have been different. Some people probably owed their life to his organs. There is a silver lining to almost every **** happening. I will never think in terms of the beauty of my father dying.
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